Which is your favored experiment?
Swamp Diamonds
Devil Fish
Swamp Diamonds
Devil Fish
Because they are so obviously in Florida, America, where they drive pickup cars...!
Reply ReplyBecause the line "just because you can edit doesn't mean you should" still makes me giggle. Plus, this is basically Sharktopus years before Roger Corman thought of the idea.
Reply Reply"just because you can edit doesn't mean you should" should be printed as large banners and hung on front of every college film school.
This one was much easier. Devil Fish is an underrated classic, while Swamp Diamonds is drab, dull and uninvolving. In other words, your average Corman episode.
Reply ReplyThe first time the show got censored came out of left field!
Reply ReplyThe over the top plot makes the decision to vote Devil Fish super easy. "PETER FRAMPTON!"
Reply ReplyThe movie so nice they gave it a title card twice. It's just good dopey fun
Reply ReplyClick. Glug glug glug glug glug. Aaaah. Click. Glug glug glug glug glug.. Aaaaah. And all the beautiful Florida scenery.
Reply ReplyThis movie is so bad, it needs to be in the turkey day lineup just to keep a person humble
Reply Reply*psht* glug glug glug glug glug glug *psht* glug glug glug glug glug .... *psht* glug glug glug glug glug ... *psht*
Reply Replyboth are amazing, but this is the less well-known, and it is not Swamp Diamonds
Reply ReplyHad a girlfriend who I now hate actually rented this movie before I saw it on MST 3K
Reply ReplyGuess I'm the 100 person to make the “just because you can edit" joke now I'm condemned to play Seaquest on an Atari with drink boat captains and mobbed-up doctors.
Reply ReplyThe failure of Italian knock-offs like Devil Fish are always entertaining. Swamp Diamonds was made early in Roger Corman's career, so he hadn't yet learned how to get the most bang for his buck.
Reply ReplyThere's just something about the silliness of Devil Fish that makes it a joy to watch.
Reply Reply
I’ve never seen this one. Is it anything like the piranha one that Jonah did?
Reply ReplyComes down to a better movie if that makes any sense at all. The swamp diamonds women are so grating I can barely keep watching even with the hilarious riffing
Reply ReplyI always get a kick out of one of my favorite school field trip destinations (the Miami Seaquarium) being used as the setting for a Eurofunny JAWS knockoff.
Reply Reply
What can I say? It's got a good short.
ReplyI like both, but this one hasn't been in circulation as often.
ReplyI need to learn what NOT to do on a date!
ReplyI write Golden Girls fan fiction, and I’ve always wanted a crossover with The Nardo gang.
ReplySwamp Diamonds's short makes it all worth it. Half the time I enjoy shorts more than actual riffed films.
ReplyBeverly Garland. That is all.
ReplyBecause Devil Fish ate all the Swamp Diamonds!
ReplyOK, this is a tough one because the final freeze frame in Devil Fish is hilarious. But, I have to give it to Swamp Diamonds for the hilarious short, "What to Do on a Date."
ReplyOh, bite me. It's fun
ReplyBeverly Garland!!
ReplyWho could forget the bravura performance of Touch (bka Mike) Connors?
ReplyJust for the short alone.
ReplyIt's Roger Corman!
ReplyYeah, I believe this is better.
ReplyBeverly Garland and Marie Windsor--nothing else need be said.
ReplyBeverly Garland at peak Beverly Garland
ReplyI was thinking...I would have gone with "Batch" Conners
ReplyBetter cast..better riffs!!
ReplyHello? Beverly Garland! Feisty woman Rocks!
ReplyOoooo,oooo Swamp Diamonds...
ReplyRogue women get drunk and make shorts! Also kidnap a guy and commit murder! Swamp Diamonds!
ReplyWell, hell... I tried to change my vote! It's a close call, but I don't mind Roger Corman and Beverly Garland.
ReplyBeverly Garland. Nuff said.
ReplyDiamond in the rough!
ReplyAlways choose the wiennie roast.
ReplyOh, Beverly
ReplyI never laughed so much...Fudge Connors, Scrod Connors
ReplyI've seen Devil Fish a million times. I don't think I've seen this one.
ReplyIt's an underrated season 5 episode, and the movie is.. actually pretty fun.
Replyva va voom
ReplyBeverly Garland in Daisy Dukes.
ReplyGotta go with "What to Do on a Date" - one of the show's funniest ever shorts.
ReplyTwo words: Mike "Touch" Connors. Three words.
ReplyI guess I like women’s prison escape movies better than random buffalo shots. There’s something good about Devilfish that I don’t remember anymore because the triggering flash shot eclipses it.
ReplyI like the short "What to do on a date". And the host segments is pretty good.
ReplyTouch Connors!
ReplyWeenie roast.
ReplyCome on come on now TOUCH me babe! Can’t you see that I am not afraid?
ReplyMike Connors!
ReplyDevil fish is painful to watch, while Mannix (Dah-dah-dah-DAH!) and Dodie make for good watching and riffs.
ReplyStrong female leads, duking it out in the swamp!
ReplyLucy and Viv in the Big House
Reply"Devil Fish" has good riffing, but the movie has a very poor attitude towards women.
ReplyBeverly Garland. The End.
ReplyI remember this as being a pretty good Joel episode. I liked Tom & Gypsy's date.
ReplyTwo words: Beverly. Garland. *purrrrr*
ReplyTouch. There’s a dude named Touch in it. And he’s not dubbed. And goofy lady wrestling. But mostly Touch Connors. Oh, and because Beverly Garland runs circles around any Fishy Devil actor.
ReplyA handsome man held captive by several beautiful escapees. I feel like this tells us more about Roger Corman than anything else he's done.
ReplyBasically because it has the best short in my opinion- What to Do On a Date.
ReplyAdvantage: Mannix
ReplyEh, I voted for Mikes' episode yesterday and I was always a bit more partial to Joels' era anyway. Besides, I wasn't a huge fan of Devil Fish.
ReplySwamp Diamonds includes iconic short, "What to Do on a Date." No contest.
ReplyI saw the movie poster with a woman holding a gun to a tied up man! Tacky!
ReplyDevil Fish is a snoozefest.