Which is the better episode?
The Brain That Wouldn't Die
Prince of Space
The Brain That Wouldn't Die
Prince of Space
Heather M Perkins
Because he is the Prince. And he is of Space. And because I am a little tired of that other movie.
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John Abernathy
Because not voting for Prince of Space, is for me, words that have no meaning. Though I just said them.
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Doug Breese
this experiment is why I add "ya scum" to the end of every sentence I utter... ya scum.
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Mike's finest hour. Ideally pithy and not too dour. The movie is something else yet the treatment beams through brightly.
Reply"Mike is a very nice name."
ReplyYou play this one less.
ReplyCause its the first MST3k episode my wife ever saw.
ReplyThis episode is far superior to Prince of Space.
ReplyJan in the Pan! The monster in the closet! Horror and vintage slease in one tidy package.
ReplyJan in the Pan! The monster in the closet! Horror and sleaze in one package!
ReplyI caught this movie on Creature Double Feature when I was way too young and it traumatized me
ReplyThere's nothing like a "hero" who makes all the wrong choices.
ReplyA total MST classic!!!
ReplyIt doesn't get enough love. Been my #1 favorite for many years.
ReplyMike's first episode
Reply“That’s not cheese” —Gypsy