Which is your favored experiment?
I Accuse My Parents
I Accuse My Parents
John Matthew Mattie
Look, the baby boomers whine about everything. We need a victory for gen Xers being chased by murderous puppets.
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Denise Litostansky-Crawford
Pig liquor, fish picker? Ahh, Club Scum and skid mark win out. Totally 80's! Totally.
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Brian Johnston
The post-film interview with the director is a hard-hitting expose in the life and times of a visionary filmmaker. Rarely do we see such quality entertainment journalism.
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In my opinion, the best MST3K videos are the ones where the movie is fun and stupid in its own right. I accuse My Parents has some great riffs, but the actual movie gets pretty boring at times.
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I will never not vote for hamburger sandwiches and french fried potatoes.
ReplyFar more tolerable movie.
ReplyOoh, this is hard, but I have to give the edge to Jimmy's journey of stupidity.
ReplyNo contest!
ReplyI love this one. Jimmy's such a dope!
ReplyDrunken Mom, neglectful Dad, singing mobbed-uo girlfriend! are you happy in YOUR work? Hmm? Are you??? I wasn't, and now I know I can ACCUSE MY PARENTS!
ReplyFor me, it's not even a contest. (I mean, unless it's an essay contest.) I Accuse My Parents has so many great moments, while I find Hobgoblins difficult to watch; the film is so cringy.
Replybecause this is one of the best MST3K episodes
Replyblack and white 50s nonsense .... always my fav riffing fodder!!
ReplyI'm just in this for the truck farming.
ReplyHard decision
ReplyI hated to not vote for Hobgoblins, but Jimmy's essay was so moving. How could one NOT give him the recognition he deserves? 👍
ReplyI'm hoping to get some spending money from the parents.
ReplyLove them both, but IAMP is just a better-crafted movie and that always makes for easier watching in my opinion.
Reply"You WHAT!? You baked a PERSON in it!? An hour at 350°!?"
ReplyQuack-quack.... quack. Quack, quack........
ReplyI accuse my parents! Oh, but no. I DON'T. They are just paranoid and lay awake most nights thinking that I do.
ReplyClearly because I accuse my parents too!
ReplyJimmy's dad paid me $20 to vote this way. And Jimmy's mom invited me out to the beach house. Va voom! So, if that other movie loses, I blame them. It's their fault. Ja'cuse. 🤨
ReplyI'm afraid love came between us.
Reply"You ever been stung by a dead bee?"
ReplyWow, it's literally what I like about MST3K vs what I don't like about MST3K! I'm Team Essay Contest!
ReplyBecause I got beat up for winning an essay contest.
ReplyThis is a tough one, but I laugh out loud more watching this one. And I have a cake fetish so the male stripper covered in cake is a solid win for me
Replyim happy in my job
ReplyHamberder sandwich with a side of freedom fried potatoes.
ReplyHere's 5 dollars. Go out and celebrate.
ReplyGangsters hanging out in cowboy night clubs. Nuff said.
ReplyQuack quack!
ReplyToo difficult - I love Hobgoblins! But, ultimately, I'm just too "Happy in my Work" to ever vote against Jimmy.
ReplyDrunk folks!
ReplyHow topical can we get? Just kidding, but it's a great episode and my favorite of the four quarterfinal movies.
Replysomehow this one holds up better
ReplyOne of the best MST episodes of all time.
ReplyVote for Jimmy; it’s his Birthday!