Which is your favored experiment?
Boggy Creek II: And the Legend Continues
Boggy Creek II: And the Legend Continues
Pure cinematic joy from start to end. Hey 75,000 insane hog-callers can't be wrong!
Reply Reply"drivin' down the road, lookin' for a waffle house, drinkin' lots of wild turkey"
Reply ReplyWell, I'm from Arkansas, so how could I neglect our wonderful contribution to cinematic misery! ;)
Reply ReplyI voted for Boggy Creek II to stop northern aggression. Really though, I think this episode is not only one of the crowning achievements of MST3K but of comedy in general.
Reply Reply
Both of these are SO funny! Tough call. But it would be fun to ask my in-laws to join me this Thanksgiving in mimicking the professor's gun stance.
Reply ReplyFootball, mudding in the 4X4 and the little creature — all great Thanksgiving traditions.
Reply ReplyI majored in Boggy Creek studies. You can pretty much write your own ticket
Reply ReplyIt's tough to vote against Eegah, because it has a joke about the Cave of the Mounds, which is about 2 miles from me! But, c'mon... Boggy Creek II! Bigfoot! Charles Pierce! outhouse stories! Classic!
Reply ReplyThe second one in a series is often worse than the first. Guaranteed hideous movie
Reply ReplyI'm partial to the hicksploitation "horror" movies of the 70s, though Eegah is a strong contender.
Reply ReplyI love this episode because the movie feels like the director thinks he is creating a master piece and the assistant director is trying to take the pee out of it.
Reply Reply"Eegah" is surely a classic, but this episode is chock full of good, hearty riffs. Crenshaw, you fascinate me!
Reply ReplyI love this movie. I live in South Florida and we have an area named Boggy Creek. Always smile when I travel by there.
Reply ReplyAs much as I like Eegah and think it's a classic, I figured "why not change it up?"
Reply ReplyPoor Eegah just comes to a sad end. I just— just— can't bear to see him suffer!
Reply ReplyBoggy II was actually the first ever episode that I found LIVE on SciFi. I was hooked from that episode, and went on to collect the entire series.
Reply ReplyBecause in this crazy world we're living in, we could all use a Happily Ever After ending where the creature(s) get to go off into the sunset/sunrise whatever, instead of being killed off.
Reply ReplyClear sign of a bad movie when it is written by, directed by, and starring the same person. Thank you Charles B. Pierce!
Reply ReplyThis was a hard call. EEGAH is a favorite. Boggy Creek II is a favorite. But I saw the series in reverse, so I saw Boggy Creek before I saw Eegah -- so Boggy was a favorite first.
Reply ReplyBoth are good episodes. Each has their own grossness factor. Creepy daughter shaves dad scene vs nasty outhouse scene.But Boggy Creek has more laughs overall, even if it doesn't "watch out for snakes"
Reply ReplyWhere else can you hear ol' chestnuts such as, "Drivin' down the road, lookin' for a Waffle House, drinkin' lotsa Wild Turkeyyyy!" Not to mention Servo in the Brownie uniform of yesteryear.
Reply ReplyThis is SO DAMN HARD!!! Eegah And Boggy Creek?!!!! I wish it could be both...but i gotta say Boggy creek because Serene Hedin
Reply ReplyThis is a hard decision, but I'm only voting for this one because I haven't seen it as many times!
Reply ReplyI would like to see some deeper cuts this year. Eegah is a great one, we all know that but how about something different.
Reply ReplyBecause Boggy Creek 1 was so good that part deux has to be so epic that one could say it's up boggy creek without a paddle.
Reply ReplyTough call, but between the mustached know-it-all father figures in these films, Dr. Brian C. Lockheart is more of an ass.
Reply ReplyTwo great options. I guess the deciding factor was that this one has a scene at a football game (go insane hogs!) and it is Thanksgiving, after all. Well, plus it has Tanya, so....
Reply ReplyWhere else can you find pierced chuck for $1.49 a pound?? This is one of my favorite episodes.
Reply Replywhile I do enjoy me some Richard Kiel, I have to go with some bigfoot hijinx.
Reply ReplyI've seen Eegah upteen times on Pluto and can't handle it anymore!!! The movie itself... no complaints on the riffing. I don't recall seeing this episode so I hope it doesn't come back to haunt me!
Reply ReplyI need short shorts, beards, giant walkie talkies, girls stuck in jeeps, radar...
Reply ReplyAs hokey as "Eegah" is and as iconic to the show as it is, "Boogy Creek" is the product of a director who thought way too highly of himself and his stories, which lends a faint,smelly air of pomposity
Reply ReplyI love both episodes, but cherish Boggy Creek II more, because it was one of my dad's favorites.
Reply ReplyThis one's got it all. College football, cute anthropology students, a professor w/ a rifle, insane hog callers, a baby squatch, narration, and best of all, one FINE lookin' moonshiner in overalls.
Reply ReplyThis was the first MST3K episode I ever watched, and it got me into the series!
Reply ReplyBoggy Creek 2 is, simply, the funniest episode that Mike and the bots did (in my opinion). And even though I have seen it a multitude of times, I laugh just as hard each time.
Reply ReplyWhen I started watching mst3k Mike was the host and it's just always nostalgic seeing him host.
Reply ReplyMAGA people will appreciate a film that shows them in a sympathetic light, cousin.
Reply ReplyEh, I'd just like to mix things up a little and go with a deep cut for turkey day. That's all. Besides, this one may have held up better in my mind.
Reply ReplyBecause I'm still holding out hope that MST3K will once again be revived, if only to do the entire Boggy Creek Franchise.
Reply ReplyI'm actually watching this one as I type. This is hard to pick my favorites when I love every episode.
Reply ReplyI was just driving down the road, looking for a Waffle House, drinking lots of Wild Turkey...and wound up on this site.
Reply Reply
Watch out for Richard Kiel, Arch Hall Jr. and snakes!
ReplyWho doesn't love some Cabbage Patch Elvis? I don't want to know those people.
ReplyBecause we should all "watch out for snakes" this Thanksgiving.
ReplyThis has to be one of the most lovable episodes. The riffing is so good and there's so much to work with. Iconic catchphrases, awful musical numbers and Arch Hall Jr.
ReplyOne if the best episodes ever!
ReplySorry about my face
ReplyEegah taught me to always vwatch out for snakes.
ReplyI think it's the perfect mix of cheesy vanity project movie and top notch movie riffing. It's not a mistake that it's the only legacy experiment that they have toured with!
ReplyRichard Kiel, nuff said
ReplyDo it for Richard Kiel
ReplyEegah provided us with the classic line, "Watch out for snakes!", cemented our disgust of Arch Hall Jr.'s face, and reminded us of the glory days when you could have an oven in your living room.
ReplyWatch out for snakes!
ReplyWatch out for snakes!
ReplyRichard. Frickin'. Kiel.
ReplyIt's one of my favorite Joel Episodes ever and Watch Out For Snakes!
ReplyThe Porkarina! Best invention exchange ever!
ReplyBecause one day, I too hope to live on Shadow Mountain.
ReplyThe late, great Richard Kiel
ReplyAs repulsive at the movie is, I still prefer it to Boggy Creek.
ReplyArch Hall Jr. should have been the next Ricky Nelson. I said what I said.
ReplyTwo words: Otis Nixon
ReplyIt was simply too difficult to vote against a caveman accentuating his attire with such a fashionable handbag.
ReplyWhy: EEGAH !!!
ReplyWatch out for snakes!
ReplyEegah might be over played but a classic episode
ReplyGeez this was like picking a favorite child...
ReplyBoggy Creek just is too painful
ReplyThat smile. Oh God, that smile.
ReplyWatch out for snakes.
ReplyArch Hall Jr's face is the worst, but it beats the skinny nothing of the Piece kid over in BG2.
ReplyI prefer Snakes on my Thanksgiving Menu
ReplyWatch of for snakes, Arch Hall, Jr.
ReplyBecause Boggy Creek II is like watching paint dry in spots.
ReplyRichard Kiel!
ReplyWatch out for snakes
ReplyWatch out for snakes.
ReplyI just watched the MST3K version of Return to Boggy Creek on Tubi last week, and its really not something I'm eager to do again anytime soon.
ReplyRichard kiel in a family venture.
ReplyThe sheer punchability of that kids face
ReplyIt's the Pork-orina. Nuff said.
ReplySorry about my face....
Reply"Sorry about my face!"
ReplyEegah is so legendary, he doesn't NEED a sequel to continue.
ReplyWatch out for snakes!
ReplyOne of the best episodes ever! “Watch out for snakes.”
ReplyEegah! Eegah! Eegah...Eagah!
ReplyI love this episode with a fervor. Watch out for snakes.
ReplyArch Hall Jr
ReplyBecause Boggy Creek II is just a boring slog. And the terrible songs in this are terrible.
ReplyBecause of the cabbage patch Elvis!
ReplyTough one. The bad singing and hair won it for over Alabama pride day
ReplyBecause it taught me to “Watch out for snakes!” Both Riffs are great. I quote this more often though.
ReplyCandidly, I just wanna annoy my family by constantly screaming "watch out for snakes!" everytime they open the oven.
ReplyEegah is the lesser of two evils ( or is it greater). It not that I'm voting for Eegah but against Boggy Creek II.
ReplyI want to hear that Veronica song again and again and again and again
ReplyWatch out for snakes!
ReplyWatch out for snakes!
ReplySorry about my face!
ReplyBecause we must all watch out for snakes. Forever.
ReplyIf BC2 wins, bearded shorty short man and pointless voice over stories. I’ll take Richard Kiel and Arch Hall Jr. over that.
ReplyEegah! Boggy Creek can't claim to also be part of Elvira's Movie Macabre.. it's so pfft. ;-)
ReplyRichard Kiel!
ReplyHas stemloe
ReplyThe Riff is strong with this one.
ReplyBecause Jaws deserves some respect.
ReplyI started watching early in Season 1 but I tend to gravitate towards the Mike era ep. Not because of Mike but because the show got funnier as it went on. But "Eegah" is classic hysterical MST3K!
ReplyThe best!
ReplyI mean, they both have dudes I'd rather not see shirtless and Boggy Creek *does* have Tim, who I think is kinda cute, but I'm sorry. Only ONE has sufficient snake alert and awareness drills.
ReplyWatch out for Snakes, Arch Hall Jr, Richard Kiel and some of the best riffing in the history of the show.
ReplyWatch out for snakes!!!
Replyno bigger turkey than this one :D
ReplyWhat a great title.
ReplyWe can all use a reminder now and then to watch out for snakes
ReplyI don’t know I love them both!
ReplyArch Hall's inimitable facial expressions that look like ads for constipation relief.
ReplyJust the hubris involved in naming this film and thinking anyone would go see it.
ReplyI love Richard Kiel, and this riff. It was a fun movie unriffed when I was a kid.
ReplyOne of my favorite episodes from near the end of Joel’s run.
ReplyIt was a tough choice. But let’s face it, Eegah brought us many classic MST3K moments, including “Watch out for snakes”.
Reply“Eegah” is the classic MST3K movie that other MST3K movies dream of being.
ReplyWatch out for snakes!
ReplyThis movie came up in a bar trivia contest. I was the only one at our table who knew the answer! Besides, it's a great vehicle for riffing!
ReplyHis Majesty Richard Keil, 'nuff said.
ReplyA true classic episode
ReplyBecause nothing makes me happier than Thanksgiving with Arch Hall Jr
ReplyThe "fantastic" production values
ReplyBecause it is the best (worst) of the two!
ReplyArch Hall Jr. and his Picasso-Cubist face ... we never get tired of studying all the grotesque angles. ... HEY! I’m being naughty over here!
ReplyIt's an MST craptacular classic.
ReplySophie's choice with this one. Will they all be this hard? I have a soft spot for Sci Fi era Mike but Eegah is just one of the finest strange movies they've ever had!
ReplyBoth of these are classics, but Eegah for me is pure iconic MST3K. Joel episodes need more love.
ReplyI love Richard Kiel's tongue in this. It should have won an Oscar for it's brief but momentous appearance in this film.
ReplyI need to be reminded that there are snakes.
ReplyOhhhhh uhhh Vickie!
Replywatch out for snakes!
ReplyOne of my first tapes I officially got from Rhino back in the day
Reply... Tequila.
ReplySuch an awful movie....I love it!
ReplyI learned a valuable life lesson from this episode in that I should always, "Watch out for snakes".
ReplyLooking out for snakes being good advice for me.
ReplyWho doesn't enjoy being Kiel-hauled?
ReplyA Joel classic.
ReplyMy kid loves this one too! I regret nothing!
ReplyWatch out for snakes.
ReplyTo promote snake awareness!
ReplyThis is an utterly classic episode, bar none. The riffs, the reactions....it’s truly awesome.
ReplyIt's a time-honored favorite, and I have the DVD that has the uncut version
ReplyThis is a hard one but Eegah has some of the funniest and most memorable riffs. It’s up there with my favorite Joel episodes
ReplyWatch out for snakes
ReplyI live for the pool party.
ReplyWatch out for snakes!
ReplyEegah Eegah, BONK BONK ON HEAD!!! Watch out for Snakes!
ReplyBecause there is hope for guys with hairy backs.
ReplyOne can never be reminded enough to watch out for snakes.
ReplyWatch out for snakes
ReplyWatch our for snakes!
ReplyWatch out for snakes
ReplyClassic episode. It was one of the first MSTs that I saw in the 90's
ReplyCabbage patch Elvis
ReplyI could never get into Boggy Creek II.
ReplyI love Richard Kiel.
ReplyShtemlo, and the disgusting shaving cream scene
ReplyWatch out for snakes!
ReplyI'm watching out for snakes
ReplyI missed out on the lI’ve tour a few years back and also because I dislike snakes so it is good to be reminded to watch out for them.
ReplyI'm voting for this because I didn't watch out for snakes, and now we need this movie as a PSA
ReplyCan't beat the caveman barber treatment.
ReplyWatch out for snakes!
ReplySnakes. Watch ‘em. Watch out for ‘em.
ReplyThat tongue
ReplyIt’s got the perfect DNA for a MST3K movie, despite the imperfect DNA of Arch Halls Sr/Jr.
ReplyWatch out for snakes!
ReplyI saw this one live way back in 2017, and I remember Crow saying "if they have a bunch of bodies set up in their house just like in the cave, I'm prepared to declare this the best movie ever!"
ReplyI voted for Eegah because Arch Hall Jr (ewwww)'s tires are filled with water.
ReplyBecause this rare Isley Bros work deserves to be honored.
ReplyArch Hall, Jr., of course.
ReplyEegah taught me at a young age to WATCH OUT FOR SNAKES!!!
ReplyI really can't watch Boggy Creek II again.
ReplyVery educational film about the hazards of danger noodles.
ReplyWhat can I say it's a great riff!
ReplyTwo and-a-half words: Arch Hall Sr.! Puts the horrible back into horror films!
ReplyFairway International & Arch Hall Jr. That's all anyone needs to know.
ReplyWatch out for snakes!
ReplyThis episode is nearly flawless in its execution, and spawned the Watch Out For Snakes catchphrase... but the William S. Burroughs riff alone is enough to win my loyalty.
ReplyI didn't really care for Boggy Creek 2, to be honest, and I can't quite recall Eegah, but I figured I'd enjoy it more
ReplySit down, pie face, it’s a long list.
ReplyIt's got priceless lines like "Eegah drives a tank?"
ReplyI just want to chant "eegah" on Thanksgiving
Reply"Warden threw a party in the county jail!"
ReplyWatch out for snakes!
ReplyI voted for this because I haven’t seen this movie!
ReplyAfter watching this Alan Hall Jr vehicle at the Lookout for Snakes tour I have decided it's something I really enjoy seeing with you all riffing it. Good memories for a bad movie.
ReplyWatch out for snakes! What more needs to be said?
ReplyAbsolute classic episode of MST3K. Perfectly bad, and “Watch out for snakes” is a line that took on a life beyond Eegah’s crew could have ever imagined. “You don’t have to wear that dress, tonight.”
ReplyManos the Musical always wins
ReplyBecause I rarely watch that one; and boggy creek II I’ve seen a bit too much e.g great episode but used to rewatch it all the time
ReplyThe movie is marginally better.
ReplyIt's like politics these days. I didn't so much vote for Eegah as I voted against its opponent. Which, while well-riffed, was one of the few episodes that even good riffing couldn't help.