Which episode would you rather see on Turkey Day?
Quest of the Delta Knight
Prince of Space
Quest of the Delta Knight
Prince of Space
No jokes or references here: This is simply one of the funniest experiments ever produced.
Reply ReplyChoose between 2 of my favs? That's not nice! :-) Still gotta give the edge to Krankor and his chicken invasion.
Reply ReplyKrankor's laugh, the monster with ill-fitting clothes that doesn't contribute to the plot, numbered lackeys, sophisticated spaceship controls that you wind up, and my favorite line "Ah, Manicotti, I hear your stuffed with cheese"
Reply ReplyEfficient, faster paced, and far more watchable in repeat viewings. This is one of the Mike era's most compelling episodes.
Reply ReplyIt's just a funny movie in and of itself and the jokes will only make it funnier.
Reply ReplyI can't think of a better way to spend Turkey Day than fighting Crank Whore in Beaver Falls.
Reply ReplyThe riff's just make me laugh - Haahhhhh (pause) hahhhhh (pause) hahhhhhh.
Reply ReplyThis may be hard for you to understand, but there is no conspiracy. Nobody is in charge. It, it's a headless blunder operating under the illusion of a master plan. Can you grasp that? Big Brother is not watching you.
Reply ReplyThis was a tough one, because I love Delta Knights, but Prince of Space was the first MST3K I saw, and it is still my favorite. Chickens are a cruel people.
Reply ReplyPrince of Space is one of my all time favorite episodes . Krankor , the English dubbing and the bad sound effects put this movie in a class few other movies attain.
Reply ReplyEither would be a great choice to me, but Prince of Space is exactly the kind of classic Japanese science fiction cheese that I love.
Reply ReplyBoth are great but Quest appeared more recently during Mindless Summer
Reply ReplyIt’s Turkey Day . How can you have Turkey without Yams ? Even if the Yam is an lumbering giant that resembles Ross Perot ! 😁
Reply ReplyBecause we all need some Tokusatsu goodness on a holiday special!
Reply ReplyThe aliens fly in a turkey shaped spaceship, how could we not vote for this?
Reply ReplyPrince of Space will always deserve a second chance over Quest of the Delta Knights (which was already reriffed recently)
Reply Replyactually this is a close call..be fine with either. Still mad about Daddy O!!!
Reply ReplyThat's harsh asking me that she was between two of my favorites! 🙂 But narrow advantage to Krankor and his invading chicken men.
Reply ReplyThe only disappointing thing about this one is that MST3K never went back to the well and did another one in this vein. Hopefully in the seasons to come. Plus, Krakor Rules
Reply ReplyBoth good episodes, but we had the watch party for Delta recently so switching it out!
Reply ReplyIt's no use firing your Delta Knights, they cannot possibly hurt Prince of Space.
Reply ReplyPrince of Space is THE BEST! We watch it several times a month! I mean, "dress to the right stuff," "I'm gonna mess you up," "do you want the window seat?" It IS perfection!
Reply ReplyThis is my #1 MST3K Turkey Day movie!!!! Funny as heck, made me have more respect for Chickens! Bawk.
Reply ReplyOne of my favorites from the Sci-Fi era and my favorite Japanese movie episode.
Reply ReplyYeah, this one was a coin flip, but in the end I gotta go with my man Krankor.
Reply Reply
Because I got a fever...and the only cure is more David Warner.
ReplyQuest is one of the more underrated Mike episodes. I like having Pearl join the bots in riffing, if only so briefly.
ReplyDifficult decision, but the hilarious non-specificity of the setting, and the gimmick of Pearl Forrester riffing for the first section, make this one for me.
ReplyPearl and "Eggs." <3
ReplyI like the other movie better, but the riffs on this one can't be beat. Plus, it's really dumb, so it deserves the lambasting.
ReplyHaven't seen it yet, and that alone tips the balance.
ReplyBecause Pearl of course!
ReplyBecause I will never not vote for Richard Kind.
ReplyI'M COMING! "Would you can it, Legolas?"
ReplyLove this one.
Replyjust a good movie
ReplyCuz I've seen Prince of Space too many times....
ReplyHilarious, with goofy characters.
ReplyIt's a really unique episode. Also, back in the Sci-Fi days (yes, I'm old) I feel like Prince of Space was an episode that replayed in re-runs more often than not, so I've seen it too many times. (It's still good.)
ReplyI sing of the glorious Delta Knights, they live in Europe somewhere....
ReplyThis was a tough one because I love both episodes so much, but I went with Delta Knights because I think it has more of a warm Thanksgiving Day feel to it, whereas Prince of Space has more of a late night Sci-fi feel.
ReplyIt's just bad, that's all.
ReplyFabulous cast, terrible script, non-stop RenFest! What more could anyone want?
ReplyFirst it not a part of the DVD package, and what I remember of it it was so bad it was good.
ReplyDavid Warner, Richard Kind, AND David Warner? The star power here is unstoppable!
ReplyMJ's foray into the theater!
ReplyGive it its first Turkey Day screening or it'll spritz you with wizard whiz.
ReplyTwo words. "Wizard wiz"
ReplyDavid Warner plays two roles!!! TWO ROLES!!! Plus they eat turkey in the movie!!! Maybe. I don't know for sure but it seems the type of film where someone would be chomping down in a giant turkey leg.
ReplyTouch down in the land of the delta knight!
ReplyBetter than the Quest of the Delta Burke's. One of my favorites.
ReplyThis movie is ridiculous. I love it!
ReplyI'm in a pee-throwing mood
ReplyWeapons are not useless against David Warner who acts like someone who accidentally wandered onto the wrong set, realised, but too British to admit the mistake.
ReplyThere’s nothing like fake wigs Renaissance fairs David Warner playing around three or four rolls and special guest appearances by Richard Kind
ReplyIt just WORKS.
ReplyI'M COMING!!!!!
ReplyHoping for a better copy than the one I have now.
ReplyI haven't seen this one!
ReplyPrince if space is so hard to watch
ReplyMary Jo rules.
ReplyPearl should have had the chance to test out her own experiments more often. And of course, there's Eggs.
ReplyIt's a close call but I feel like movies that have the guys "suffer" more than usual aren't that entertaining on rewatch.
ReplySimply because I like this movie better than the Prince of Space. ;)
ReplyWell with the pandemic and all....
ReplyDavid Warner...MST3K's proof that a great actor can get stuck in a bad movie. (Star Trek V is one of his other ones.)
ReplyThere is more than one Delta Knight! And it'll be a nice day if it doesn't rain.
ReplyI love David Warner in this movie.
ReplyI'm coming!
ReplyBoth are great but I have only seen this one once.
ReplyMore like the Beta Knights... ahahahaha... ha.
ReplyI remember watching this movie when I was young, and the host segments are great! Getting Pearl in the theater was a great move!
ReplySo much David Warner!
ReplyWill never forgive Prince of Space's director for cutting out the novel's famous bedpan/urine tossing scene.
ReplyTough choice, but the "Leo" DaVinci host segment puts this one over the top.
ReplyDavid Warner!
ReplyPrince of Space is a good movie, but we have it on DVD. We can't watch this one any old time!