Commented "We were cited for the 14 day rule because we stayed from 1st elk season thru 2nd elk season. Our camp was clean and we didn't leave any garbage or damage. All we were doing was hunting. Guess we should have said we were homeless."
Commented "How are they going to track out of state EVs traveling Oregon highways? This will eventually trickle down to gas vehicles also, but the tax at the pump wont go away. The need is to figure out a way to tax at the charging stations, just like the pumps. Common sense."
Commented "A more long term withdrawal plan would have been the smart thing to do. Handing the Taliban an entire country and billions of dollars if weapons cost 13 military lives and an unknown number left behind. That blood is on the current administration!!! Just waiting for the attack on US soil"
Commented "Employers are going to lay off employees to get under the 100 number. Companies that are having a hard time filling positions anyway are going to lose experienced work force that they need to stay in business so they will ignore the vaccine requirement. "
Commented "Each person's safety and well being is up to them to maintain. If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, wear one, if not, dont!! For those that are worried, the masks should keep particles out of your face just as much as keeping your particles publuc."