How do you feel about the outdoor mask mandate?
I'm all for it!
I don't agree with it!
Isn't a little fresh air considered a cure for most conditions that affect the anxiety driven hysteria caused by much fear of illnesses around us all? Put a mask on mandates!
Reply ReplyJust left Salem hospital yesterday around 3:00pm. Er was a ghost town. Rooms absolutely were not at capacity. Nobody waiting for a bed, 5 nurses in dad's room cuz they had nobody else needing care! I've seen this first hand! Our Government is lying right to our face, and we are believing them!
Reply ReplyThe anti vaxers are the problem huh? But I thought the first shot and round of masks worked? Haha keep believing it sheep.
Reply ReplyThere is a large body of compelling evidence in the form of peer-reviewed studies and meta-analyses that masks are not effective and in fact dangerous to the wearer. https://swprs.org/face-masks-evidence/
Reply ReplyStanford university study. https://wsau.com/2021/04/20/stanford-study-results-facemasks-are-ineffective-in-blocking-transmission-of-covid-and-actually-can-cause-health-deterioration-and-premature-death/
There is NO science to support it. It’s the kind of things banana republic dictators do. No one should observe it and you should demand that the governor provide the scientific justification.
Reply ReplyBecause its a way of control. The CDC " the Center Dictatorship Control" seems to have all the answers but they don't. Masks don't ever stop this covid 19 disease let alone the delta variant. These Demon- Rat Liberal Socialist all want control n there up to No Good.
Reply ReplyWe will NOT comply, they are NOT needed outdoors and neither is Kate Brown!!! Recall signatures please!!! So to sum it up NO, NO and by the way NOOOOOO!!!
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We need a VACCINE MANDATE for ALL eligible people!! Those who don't want the FREE vaccine and get Covid should NOT take up hospital beds and get treated at home at THEIR expense!!!
Reply Reply21 people on a cruise ship acquired COVID 1 died. They were all vaccinated. Vaccinated people can be infected by another person who has been vaccinated.
I think this type of tyranny was tried somewhere before, and it didn't work out so well. Where was that??? Oh yeah.... GERMANY
Common sense can and should be allowed to take precedence. The longer we do this, the longer it takes to achieve herd immunity. Florida is literally 2 to 3 weeks away from achieving herd immunity. We have no date in this state...
Reply ReplyThis virus will continue to mutate and it will kill you eventually or it won't vaccinated or not. Will we be arrested like they are in Australia? People can't even leave their homes without an approved reason. How deeply will you bow to the supreme leader?
Reply ReplyEach person's safety and well being is up to them to maintain. If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, wear one, if not, dont!! For those that are worried, the masks should keep particles out of your face just as much as keeping your particles publuc.
Reply ReplyOnce again I feel our governor is basing her decisions on her location in the metro areas.
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Some patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have had pneumonia but not attributed to mask use.
Again with- OUR BODY, OUR CHOICE. If you feel that unsafe, stay home. Seriously, life is too short to worry about somebody else wearing a mask.
Reply ReplyIt is insane. For those who claim "it isn't any big deal to wear a mask", you are a liar. NO ONE wants to wear these because they make you sweat, you lose out on expression, it restricts your breathing, and it is little more than a political statement outside.... no proof of effectiveness at all.
Reply ReplyUnless they are N95 masks, they are not doing a thing. Cloth masks are porous to something as tiny as a virus
Reply ReplyThe selfish and ignorant people who have not gotten their shots are causing grief for everyone else. This a thinning of the herd, survival of the fittest, the strong will survive.
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It is beyond my understanding of why people resist such a simple thing that may just save the life of people you love.
ReplyI don't understand what all the fuss is about!! It isn't any big deal to wear a mask!!
ReplyThe Governor has access to experts who study the virus and transmission, and makes her decisions based on their knowledge and advice. And I'm supposed to listen to a bartender?
ReplySounds smart.