Do you think the new federal mandates will lead to a drop in COVID-19 cases?
Yes, it's necessary!
No, we shouldn't be forced to do it!
We're in a global pandemic, and with people protesting mask wearing this leaves the society no choice. No one wanted to follow any guidelines, and so now we're in this position.
My sister is employed by a very large company. She is allergic to the vaccine and was advised buy her Doctor not to take it. What now?
Reply ReplyEmployers are going to lay off employees to get under the 100 number. Companies that are having a hard time filling positions anyway are going to lose experienced work force that they need to stay in business so they will ignore the vaccine requirement.
Reply ReplyNo it will Not because we already know that vaccinated people can still catch the virus and can still spread the virus. All the mandates are going to do is increase the number of unemployed and increase the employee shortage. Why make that worse??
Reply ReplyI do not agree with federal mandates especially from this moron Biden! But I think everyone should get vaccinated to help us all get back to normal! How else are we going to get past this.
Reply ReplyI don't think the vaccine will drop cases, but it may slow things down. We still have parents protesting masks which is proven to slow the spread too. Masks should be Mandatory, injections into our bodies should not. Not everyone reacts the same, majority might, but who pays for the those injured?
Reply Reply
Yeah I hope the same attitude it directed for women's choice when it comes to her body.
No one has a right to suscept anyone to a preventable deadly disease. No one has a right to drive drunk and possibly kill someone in an accident. No one has a right to walk around naked in public. I don't understand why this is any different. It's for the good of all.
ReplyIts time to end this pandemic. I think it should be mandatory for any one working with the public to be vaccinated
Reply19 mos later and we're toddling this out like babies...Medical professionals are EXHAUSTED! Tired of treating unvaccinated patients when vaccines are available, ones that lessen the symptoms, lessen the severity in the 6% you get it by over exerting it's ability to protect.
ReplyOh, Yes!!...Don't you know that government intrusion by Dr. Fauci's wise words of wisdom is what is good for the masses!? Cattle are more manageable when corralled, and so are people. As close to reality in this world these days take your lead from the WHO only.
ReplySomehow, I think it is too little, too late. This should still have been in place until a larger population is vaccinated. And the ones who have to have weekly Covid testing should have to pay for each and every one.
ReplyEventually, yes. The science supports it.
ReplyYes for the benefit of the whole
ReplyWhatever it takes!!