Commented "I did, and he has and Harris is amassing boatloads of $$ and has exceeded the # of delegates she needed to be the nominee. She will beat the socks off T-rump. Biden did what he has always done and stepped down for the benefit of the country. Unlike T-rump who is just out for himself and power!"
Commented "Obviously, phones are addictive and kids having them in the classroom - when they should be paying attention to what is being taught - will make them stupid!! Many are slaves to their phones and they are a major distraction in classrooms."
Commented "SO MANY newbie bands that I have never heard of. I suppose they appeal to the younger set, but there seems to be more such bands than some of the great old time ones."
Commented "They MOST DEFINITELY should have taken into account that many drivers want to get to the shopping center, and they cannot. Going 3 miles into Redmond is NOT the answer! I totally understand cars making dangerous turnarounds to get around this failure to account for an exit at the shopping center!!"
Commented "Every single year, Bend Schools come asking for more and more and more money, and it is always homeowners who pay it! I am totally against this levy and any others for schools. "
Commented "It would somehow end up as an expense for property owners to pay for. The majority of our homeowner property taxes already go to schools as it is. This would undoubtedly end up costing property owners to fund such a complex. I am not in favor of having to fund anything else for schools."
Commented "Obviously, if kids who shouldn't be riding these bikes cannot ride them to school, that represents hours of the day that they won't be on them, being reckless, violating basic rules of the road, and putting lives, including theirs, in danger."