Would you support a move to a tax per mile?
How are they going to track out of state EVs traveling Oregon highways? This will eventually trickle down to gas vehicles also, but the tax at the pump wont go away. The need is to figure out a way to tax at the charging stations, just like the pumps. Common sense.
Reply ReplyCan't see how this would work. Mile tax replacing gas tax would work if OR was an island. But now I would pay a mile tax plus a gas tax when I travel out of state and out of state people would pay no tax while in OR. No Thanks.
Reply ReplyFirst of all. You didn't mention the lottery money. Or, how about the "Pot" money. Where is that cash? sitting in a vault? Those funds where supposed to go to roads and schools.We already have some of the highest taxes in our country. We don't need more. This plan will hurt all of us. NO! NO! NO!
Reply ReplyMaybe this would work for the EV so they can pay their fair share. and a per mile tole for out of staters.
Reply ReplyWhat needs to happen is a way to tax electric chargers for EVs. People will either detach a "mile counter, or figure out a way to alter it. It needs to come at the "pump" so to speak....whether gas or electricity.
Reply ReplyRidiculous! We pay exorbitant taxes in the state. Where are our tax dollars going if we can’t even afford to maintain roads?
Reply ReplyI would however support a "per mile" tax if it only applied to electric vehicles. Gas/diesel already pay enough at the pump. After all, it's supposedly for the repair for wear and tear of the roadway we all share.
Reply ReplyI drive out of state a lot and don't want to be taxed twice. It would also disincentivise people from buying hybrids and EVs. The gas savings is part of the calculation and changing the rules is a little baity switchy.
Reply ReplyNo, enough already with the left, liberal policies. Seems this is meant to drive people to EV,s for the farce of climate change.
Reply ReplyBecause I live on the east side of the mountains and we have to drive a long distance to get to the doctor, grocery shopping, ect. So therefore we will get screwed again and end up paying way more than people on the west side of the mountains. What about people that drive for a living?
Reply ReplyIt would be a tax on those who could least afford it. It's a luxury to afford to live in the city, close to services. Those who can't afford that luxury have much longer commutes to work and shop, therefore would be taxed more. Not acceptable.
Reply Reply
I would support a tax per mile for electric vehicles only. There is already enough tax burden on the gas/diesel owner. Why shouldn't electric vehicle owners have pay, they share the same road.
ReplyAll users of the road should pay. Not sure how out of state users would pay, like truckers. Paid monthly might work vs end of year payment.
ReplyBecause I drive less than 5000 miles a year I believe it would save me money in the end.
ReplyBecause I drive less than 5000 miles a year. It would hopefully save me some money in the end.
ReplyOnly if they totally get rid of the gas tax.
ReplyIt's more fair to all.