Do you think we should have stayed in Afghanistan?
Yes, we should have stayed!
No, we needed to leave.
Definitely! No amount of added time would give the Afghans the leadership and will to protect their own country. However, this withdrawal was an abysmal failure. Obviously, it should have been better phased with warning to their people this chaos was likely + to start their own exodus weeks ago.
Reply ReplyOur job was done a long long time ago, yet we continued to stay? 20 years of helping them and they cut and run at the first site of the Taliban. Clearly they will never have the wherewithal to stand their own ground even after they have been outfitted with the best training and the best weapons.
Reply Replywe should have left 10 years ago. We knew then that it was another Viet Nam. All the lives lost and damaged could have been prevented. It was another political conflict. When watching the news tonight it reminded me of Saigon and once again we left people behind to be killed.
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The u.s was spending away to much money on this endless war, let the afghans take over
Reply ReplyThe Russians and the Brits stayed over there for a shorter time than we did. No one has been able to stop the Taliban. Sooner or later, we had to let go of this situation. It's very sad.
Reply ReplyYa, 20 years is ridiculous and sounds like too many got rich off this war. Don't understand why the people think we need to take them all out of their country after we tried to set them up for success. Was there not enough people to control the bad ones?
Reply ReplyYes, we needed to leave BUT with a plan in place and getting Americans and Afgans out first. Then pulling our troops in an orderly manner.. The administration set the Afgahnistan back 20yrs. amd put US citizens in harms way.
Reply ReplyJohn F. Kennedy had the Bay of Pigs. Jimmy Carter's was the fatal failed attempt to free Iranian hostages. Now the Biden administration is responsible for the worst military disaster in decades. Trump planned to get us out without this kind of bloodshed.
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We needed to stay until the job was done. Look at Europe; the war ended in 1945 and we still have troops there. Why were we expecting the Middle East to be different?
ReplyThis will only breed terrorist attacks. If you think the taliban will be content you're a fool.
ReplyWe should have stayed long enough to transition out better.
ReplyA more long term withdrawal plan would have been the smart thing to do. Handing the Taliban an entire country and billions of dollars if weapons cost 13 military lives and an unknown number left behind. That blood is on the current administration!!! Just waiting for the attack on US soil
ReplyAt this point stayed and had a better withdrawal idea. Biden didn't listen to anyone. He needs to go to his retirement home sooner than later
ReplyYes we should have stayed long enough to get people safely out that the Taliban will probably kill. What idiot would think the Taliban would not rush right in and take over if we gave them notice of when we were leaving and then did it this way?
ReplyWe should have stayed long enough to at the very least had a well thought out plan in advance to get people out ahead of time not after the catastrophe! The Biden administration did literally everything wrong as usual! What a slap in the face of all who served there. Biden is a blight on the world
ReplyWe should have stayed for as long as it took have a better transition. Biden, his administration and everyone who supports Biden's decision has blood on their hands.