Commented "Haven't changed so much to mask mandates but stores product variety is low, many times out off products. Either i go to 3-5 stores to get Everything and then still don't come home with a completed shopping list so forced to order on line for much of it. "
Commented "Ya, 20 years is ridiculous and sounds like too many got rich off this war. Don't understand why the people think we need to take them all out of their country after we tried to set them up for success. Was there not enough people to control the bad ones?"
Commented "In the country away from home owners, farms, businesses. Unless this facility is strickly monitored there will be trash and drugs everywhere. Make a homeless city. With garbage. Water, shower and sewer services and let them go. Daily shuttle might be a good idea. "
Commented "I wished they'd waited till it was fda approved before offering them. Now I'm worried i might get sick from the vaccine . Seems to be the main fight. That is not been tested long enough and no ones offering info in English that proves its been thoroughly tested. "
Commented "How about making killing people such a serious offence that killers will think before they start shooting! Instead of 10-30 years in prison and supported by tax payers. How about a life for a life! Our laws on criminals are way too light and takes way too long for final decisions. "