Vaccinated or unvaccinated: does the other side make you angry?
Yes, it makes me angry!
No, I don't care.
I think it should be a personal choice. The media is inciting people to hate their neighbors that choose not to get vaccinated.
Reply ReplyEveryone should be able to make their own choice and got get given grief for it. The only part that upsets me is people trying to force their way of thinking onto other people like this is no longer a free nation.
Reply ReplyEither way, it's your right which side of the fence you're on..........PERIOD!!
Reply ReplyIt does not make me angry because I think everyone has a right to choose what is medically necessary for them and their family. Just because I don't agree doesn't make me angry.
Reply ReplyIt is personal choice, and since we are seeing vaccinated people in the ICU it looks like the virus is already outdated.
Reply Reply
Those who are unvaxxed are a serious health risk to other people. They are basically demanding that they have the right to be potential murderers. No one has the right to murder other people. Also, the unvaxxed is providing a huge gene for the virus to mutate.
ReplyYes, it obviously is the unvaccinated who are most at risk, and are not only spreading the virus the most, but allowing for new variants to develop. We got rid of polio and, pretty much, mumps, measles + chickenpox WITH VACCINES! Wake up people. This is not a stupid political decision.
ReplyIt's none of your business whether or not I choose to vaccinate... quit shoving your opinion in my face!
ReplyMy body, my choice!
ReplyAnti vax = Pro Stupid, this is not freedom of choice it's a matter of societal responsibility. Your freedom stops where my health is concerned.
ReplyTheir choice not to vaccinate knowing the consequences of their decision so start limiting their health care
ReplyI wished they'd waited till it was fda approved before offering them. Now I'm worried i might get sick from the vaccine . Seems to be the main fight. That is not been tested long enough and no ones offering info in English that proves its been thoroughly tested.
ReplyFrustrating & irresponsible!
ReplyI am against masks and especially mask mandates! But I am for vaccinations, everyone needs to get vaccinated and git rid of the masks and get back to normal! How is a mask mandate supposed to be OK but Vaccine mandates not. Why bow to one but not the other, I just want us all to get past this!
ReplyYou have dimwhits that will not & can't follow rules They didn't growing up & not about too now
ReplyPeople may get the virus after getting the shot, they are not the ones in the Hospital, or dying. I would like to know the name of that punk who thinks rednecks are "pissed" because of mandates. Low IQ types like him keep adding to the spread of the virus.
Replyhttps://independentside.com/vaers-update-latest-report-eclipses-13000-deaths-nears-600000-adverse-events/ makes me angry that people don't study about the vaccine before getting it
ReplyMy husband, who is vaccinated got exposed via an unvaccinated health worker and had to cancel his surgery, get tested and isolate, His freedom of choice was taken away from him, as he was not informed of the status of this healthworker who is sick with Covid and will not get tested or vaccinated.
ReplyOh heck yes it makes me angry. 40 people died just this last weekend that should have taken a simple shot to live. As far as healthcare individuals that are against the vaccine, I sure don't want them providing my healthcare. We need health care people that care more about life than they do.