Have you thought about purchasing a gun in the past year?
Yes, I have!
No, I haven't!
I haven't thought about purchasing a gun. I've been home most of the time, I don't have a need for one.
I haven't thought about purchasing a gun. I've been home most of the time, I don't have a need for one.
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Why own one, when you can own two? There isn't any one firearm that does it all, so buy a second to cover more "use" bases. 😇
When seconds count the police are only minutes away. With measure 110 taking affect we will need to add more protection for ourselves and our families.
ReplyWe already Own Guns and need to purchase another different kind.
ReplyPlanning on it!
ReplyI'm shopping for one i can afford.
ReplyAny true patriot that has in fact purchased a gun this past year or ever would NEVER,......NEVER divulge whether they had..........or hadn't.....That's the guess work criminals have to deal with before commiting a crime! Well Punk, do ya feel lucky? Well, do ya??!!
Replywill be buying one the day i turn 18.
ReplyNot only have I thought about it . . . I DID!!! Well, actually it was a birthday present from the wife and kids.
ReplyAnd will take classes and apply for conceled carry permit.