Commented "Dumb question. There are winter tires that are approved that are not studded and don't create ruts on the roads. We've used them for about 20 years driving in all winter conditions including Bachelor Mtn, freezing rain on both sides of the mountains without issue. Our winter tires went on Monday. "
Commented "We did Xeriscaping when we built our home 7 years ago and incorporated water and energy saving features in the house as well when we built the house."
Commented "The comment about prioritizing education and getting our kids back in school we should do what's best is not responsive to the question.The answer to the question is yes.The comment is irrelevant.."
Commented "We want our favorites to be around whenever this ends and so we do takeout from them as much if not more than we would have done were we able to eat there; 3 to 4 times a week."
Commented "We've ordered out, and will continue to do so with our local restaurants. We know many of them likely don't have sizable reserves and we want them around when this is over. "
Commented "We elect people to represent us. We don't need a legislature who passes their responsibilities to the voters who don't have the information to make an informed decision. Walking out solves nothing. "
Commented "It's good to try. It works in metro areas for freeway access. Some don't know how to access roundabouts, but when there's traffic its common for many cars to go by access points backing up traffic. "