Are you concerned about a proposed managed homeless camp near schools?
Yes, I'm very concerned!
No, it doesn't concern me.
This is bend Oregon it's one entire neighborhood. I'd like you expect the most part of that US citizens are us property. The US government is responsible for every single us person.
Reply ReplyWhat’s the point of putting it further away from town? That cuts off their already-limited availability to food, clean water, medical support, and basic care. Your kids are gonna learn about homelessness one way or another, and our tax dollars will be going to something other than corpse disposal.
Reply ReplyWhat does concern me is biased reporting about this issue. Every story is from the opposition. Why not interview Chuck Hemmingway or Jim Porter, who are board members for Central Oregon Villages? The community gets info from you, you should provide both sides, not just opposition point of view.
Reply Reply
Homeless camps should not be set up in the city, especially not in residential or commercial areas, There should be county or BLM land available on the outskirts of the city, if you drive along China Hat road there are already a lot of homeless people camping out on BLM land.
ReplyIt's a no-brainer to NOT put these camps anywhere near schools! Whoever is considering this should have their head examined.
ReplyWhy would anyone even think about doing something that stupid? It is so obviously a very bad idea! DUH
ReplyThe mayor & Bend City Council Need to go they don't care about kids But if you did something they would be all over you
ReplyI live in Culver (97734). All my children are grown. No homeless camps near schools, daycare schools or residential areas, period.
ReplyPublic safety! That seems like the last place to put it.
ReplyHAHAHAHAHA........F--K YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyThere is a lot at 9th and Wilson that could make a good camp. Flat close to medical and mental health services plus near utility hookups and patrol services
ReplyNo it should not be nears schools and day cares. I agree we need one. Perhaps near community services and churches?
ReplyHomeless camps should be outside city limits not near our children.
ReplyThis is a disaster waiting to happen. Why put kids in danger?
ReplyIt shouldn't be anywhere near kiddos. It's just bed planning and I'm sure the homeless people don't want to be in such an observed area, either. Has anyone asked the homeless where they think it should be?
ReplyPut it on china hat road!