Have you changed where you shop or do business due to its COVID-19/mask policies ?
No, I think every store or business makes its own best call, and it has not changed my shopping/other habits
No, I think every store or business makes its own best call, and it has not changed my shopping/other habits
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Brad Livsey
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Lynn Huntley
If a mask is required where I shop, I respect that and wear it. And make sure people stay away from me, and I stay away from them. Really very simple.
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Robert Northrup
I believe the administration is colluding with large companies to put small businesses out of business. They can't find workers, are overburden by regulations and the media is putting undue fear into the public. More than ever we need to support local businesses.
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Kenneth Emmrich
I only shop and dine where there are no mask mandates. I am vaccinated and I have no pity for the ignorant, uneducated and uninformed.
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I will NOT wear a mask again and will NOT shop anywhere requiring a mask!!! I got vaccinated so I did NOT have to wear a mask, I will not go backwards!!!
ReplyIf the business doesn't have the strength to fight this tyranny then they don't need my business.
ReplyIf they don't have the mask mandate I won't shop there
ReplyDo not support those with mask mandates
ReplyHaven't changed so much to mask mandates but stores product variety is low, many times out off products. Either i go to 3-5 stores to get Everything and then still don't come home with a completed shopping list so forced to order on line for much of it.
ReplyI will not go into a shop that does not require a mask. If they care that little about their workers and customers they do not get my business.
ReplyI only do business that keep the mask mandate. We need to take care of each other!
ReplyI avoid any interaction with places that ask or require maks or vaccinations...this whole covid thing imo is a joke/scam..I want no part of it
ReplyI will not support a business that pushes this nonsense on customers. Wear one if you want, but kneeling to this tryany will only keep the cycle going.
ReplyThere are several places I will no longer shop/eat due to the way they responded to the Covid 19 restrictions. I really appreciate the places that are still masked up and those are the places that we will continue to patronize.
ReplyBetween the 19 and parking downtown where I used to do 90% of my shop0ing and eating, I no longer even go to or through downtown
ReplyI like not getting sick, so I shop in places that have a "Mask Required" sign on the door.
ReplyIt's just not right to think that having the freedom not to wear a mask is more important than than the lives of our children that currently can not be vaccinated. I will not shop at businesses that think putting children's lives in danger is acceptable. Shame on them.