Do you think Kang’s comments qualify as hate speech?
It's not hate speech. It's truth. Living disgustingly unhealthy is not ok, it will be the downfall of America if it doesn't change.
Reply ReplyIts not hate to tell someone what is good for them. Being overweight is BAD for a persons health and for society as a whole. Understanding that and saying is is NOT hate.
Reply ReplyWhile I most definitely disagree with Kang I don't think this qualifies as a hate speech but rather as merely an unfortunate opinion.
Reply ReplyI think what she said was unkind, thoughtless and narrow-minded, but fat isn't a race or religion. She didn't seem to be marginalizing fat people. Bulimia doesn't trump fat.
Reply ReplyBecause we are a nation with a high rate of illnesses and death from preventable diseases related to unhealthy lifestyles. It is not hate to make people more aware of this fact.
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Because she's presenting facts. In the majority of cases people are obese by choice. Make better decisions.
Reply Replyshe is right, being fit and being obese is not the same for health. She is not a hater, she is just coherent between her good and healhty lifestyle and her opinion
Reply ReplyShe's spot on. "Fat acceptance" is not helpful, and "health at every size" is a myth. I'm obese, by the way. I've lost 30 pounds so far and am aiming for another 70 to be in middle of my range.
Reply ReplyHealth is important and accessible. Those who are borderline obese should be encouraged to make a healthy lifestyle change; they shouldn't be lead to believe being unhealthy is normal or acceptable.
Reply ReplyI believe in free speech! It is an inaliable right of the American people!
Reply ReplyI despise Political correctness which is an instrument of the Zionists and Satanists (same thing) who use it as a weapon and also to destroy the family unit.
Reply Replyshes right. we americans watch and idolize unhealthy habits.. c'mon, people watch "honey boo boo" for example, and they're uneducated, fat, white trash example of whats actually wrong with US
Reply ReplyBecause "political correctness" is the same as Stalinism - it is totalitarianism lite.
Reply ReplyRead this!!! First I will say this! I love ALL God's people! Motivation and truth is what the pubic needs!!!
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because there was no insult on that comment. She wasn't hating on them in any way.
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There are better ways to help people who are overweight. Berating them is not the way to do it.
Replysurgery causes weight gain(thyroid)
ReplyShe should worry about her own fitness than expressing about others. Fitness programs and advertisement never show a diverse group for fitness. She may look good but be ill in other ways like plus siz