Do you plan on buying the new R.I.P ammo? Why?
First off, god forbid, if I ever had to shoot someone and got into a civil case the other sides attorney would have a field day with the R.I.P bullet especially the way they're promoting it. Second my
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Reply ReplyThe way the court system and anti gun thinking is today, it could be looked at as "NAME was wanting the most devastating wound he could inflict. Only intent was to kill." Seems overkill to me
Reply ReplyIt's a gimmick. It also makes gun owners look like we're "blood thirsty." It's named "R.I.P." Seriously?
Reply ReplySou.ds like it should be banned because it is just too lethal and too expensive. Will cause many law suits and problems for gu n owners.
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I know what I need, what works to stop the threat, and my skill combined are most important elements.
Reply ReplyOverpriced and there is plenty of better proven product on the market for less.
Reply ReplyI've seen some ballistics gel tests, and I wasn't impressed enough to buy it at 50 cents a round, let alone twelve bucks
Reply ReplyWho needs ammo that will kill everytime? I can understand military use but civilians do not need ammo with this capability. And to spend $12 a round is a bit costly to never use.
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Product is over rated and the advertising hype is wrong for the current time.
Reply ReplyWhats the purpose of having ammo such as this. Won't be long before it is outlawed anyway...
Reply ReplyThere are good companies that make good ammo out there. this just leaves too many questions for and I am a 45acp guy and for a shotgun there had been stuff like this for decades. GOD BLESS AMERICA
Reply ReplyTo expensive and a FMJ will do the same thing. its not necessary especially for that price.
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The videos show it.passing.well through and beyond the 18 inch ballistic gelatin. I will shoot to stop thethreat. Not have the bullet pass through to an unintended target.
Reply ReplyI knew immediately this round was a joke when their marketing videos showed a bunch of dudes firing full-auto pistols into ballistics gel rather than showing actual ballistics testing results.
Reply ReplyDon't need it. If I needed something that destructive, I'll just use one of my rifles. $242 buys a lot of reloading supplies too.
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I do like the advancement in technology, and i'm sure there's a nitch for this. For me, there's other effective ammunition on the market which costs much less.
Reply ReplyIt's more destructive than necessary. To incapacitate is one thing, to butcher is another.
Reply ReplyI see NO "normal" use for this type of bullet. It reminds me of "cop killers" and I think the company was irresponsible in even considering such a dangerous bullet. I guarantee criminals will love it.
Reply ReplyBased on the test results on the Youtube channel Shootingthebull410. Ammo is overhyped
Reply Replyis very expensive. it sounds like over kill. probably you will be in trouble due to the premeditation and intent to kill.
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I carry an m9 loaded with +P hollowpoints, FMJ is for targets, I never want to worry about over penetration, the price will have to come down a bit, but I would love to have these bullets for carry.
ReplyI will once price drops. Would be nice to KNOW my small caliber, low round EDC weapon can get the job done in 1 shot. FTFs would be my biggest concern.
ReplyIn order to test it's effectiveness. Appears that it may be a safer home defense ammo.
ReplyThe point of home defense is to protect my family , if there is a better way to do it then why not .
ReplyIf someone is going to try to hurt my family I want to be to stop them immediately
ReplyI will buy it and test it to see how it performs at our facility.
ReplyTo give it a try and, if it performs well, get more for my derensive ammo.
ReplyThis stuff looks like it would get the job done in a hurry....
ReplyIf it is tested to be effective, certainly.
ReplyPrudence dictates that one should be armed as well or better that our adversaries, be they foreigh or DEMESTIC, THE LATTER CURRENTLY THE MUCH GREATER THREAT.
ReplyBigger wound chanel. More energy transfere.
ReplyLooked it to it and seen some testing. Current carry the 50gr liberty 9mm @2000fps after self testing. Not sure if I'll switch but will try it out.
ReplyMy right to shoot once for total stoppage
Replyits important to re-enforce muscle memmory
Replymy personal protection, as well as the protection of my family IS my reason!
ReplyBecause if it is someone I care about being attacked, I want the odds stacked in their favor as much as possible. we didn't go looking for trouble ,it came and found us...
Replyif you have it in 40 & 44 mag ill buy them
ReplyI'd like to test fire them into ballistic gel under various conditions and with various guns to see if their claims are accurate. Actually use them against someone? Hell no!
ReplyCuriosity killed the cat. We will see!
ReplyWhen it comes to defense...Send only the Best!
Reply.380 and 9mm have been considered in-adequate by many as stopping power. These will change that and allow me to carry a smaller firearm that still has one shot stopping power.
Replyto try it , home defense
ReplyI would use them as the first two rounds in my home defense gun magazine. Even at $12 per round it would be better to have them and never need to use them.
ReplyIf it stops an intruder with one shot, it lessens the intruders ability to inflict harm.
ReplyNo thanks.
ReplyThe ultimate round! 9mm bullet is more effective than a .45 round. Therefore shooting a 9mm handgun , with lower recoil and more bullets per magazine answers the need for ultimate protection
ReplyIF I could afford it; I'd buy to test it 1st. A tech paradygm shift in ammo demands it IMHO. i.e. Mfgr claims 0 malfunction feed/fire/eject failures. I'd verify ballistics & accuracy up to 25+yds
Replyfrom what I saw in the video....if this ammo works as intended it may very well be the last defensive rounds I will ever buy....that's if I can find some for dad my wife an myself.
Replylooks like the best defense round available
ReplyMaximum efficiency without maximum penetration through the body cavity..
ReplyThink the rounds are awesome.