Is .22 your favorite caliber? Why or why not?

I like all calibers of guns the .22 is one of my favorites, but I wouldn't put it in the highest honors spot. On the flip side it wouldn't be at the bottom either. I like all calibers of guns.
Reply ReplyI look at a .22 lr as a small game hunting round. I would pick the .22 mag as a close range defense round though
Reply ReplyI like it, but I like bigger and stronger calibers for more stopping power! (5.56, 7.67. and .50 caliber)
Reply ReplyWould have to purchase another firearm. Have a revolver and rifle chambered in .38/.357, so if I do have to "bug-out" I only have to carry 1 type of ammo.
Reply ReplyDoesn't have the stopping power. Shot with a fatal shot, an attacker still can kill you before they die.
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It's fun to shoot and still economical but for self defense I use 9mm since it's a controllable multi shot round for me!!
Reply ReplyIt is to hard to find right now. And I reload .38spl, .357mag, .45LC, and .45acp. And because I reload these I don't shoot my 2 firearms that shoot .22lr.
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Stopping power and does not even come close to the same recoil for training or practice
Reply ReplyBecause I don't own a 22 rifle and the 22 pistol I have is a POS. In general, the cost of shooting has gotten beyond me. I'll let others run up their credit cards.
Reply ReplyCant reload, small caliber for self defence. Its ok for small game, but basic or compound bow would be better for hunting. Quiet and better for all sizes of game, from rabbit to bear.
Reply ReplyI like it but my Fav is 9mm and 5.56.223 I like .22 for Plinking in my Ruger 10/22 But it some times does not even stop a Raccoon. I like to practice with my Berretta 92FS and could use that kind of A
Reply Reply.22 is very useful, ( I DO keep about 5000 rounds) ... but I stockpile ammo for my fighting rifle.. the AR.
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easy to use, no matter how much training you have had....inexpensive..small volume of space (comparativly)
ReplyEverybody has capability of shooting a .22 pistol or rifle!
Replycost less/ it's fun to shoot!
ReplyEasy to practice with
ReplyI used a 22rifle while growing up I know what j can do with it
ReplyLess expensive to train with
ReplyCheep, Fun, Multiple options with Ruger .22 convertable
ReplyI have an old Savage 22lr semi auto. I can shoot this weapon extremely well and until the last 1 1/2 years I could get all the ammo I needed. Now, if you can find any you're redistricted to one box.
Replygreat for maintaining skills and is cheap to shoot
Replymost versatile, I have 22 rifles and pistols. Favs are my SR22 and dedicated AR.
ReplyI voted for .22 for the same reasons mentioned in this article, as long as it stays cheaper than 9mm rounds. I've seen some scalpers selling it for the same price.
Replythis is what i teach my grand kids to shoot with . very good starter rounds , and will take care of just about any small game, with proper shooting skills.
ReplyFun to shot, cheap, versatile....
ReplyTarget Practice is fun and .22 is cheaper to use,
ReplyAs an instructor, I think it's vital to start a student with a firearm in .22 caliber to practice the fundamentals, get over any concern for recoil, and simply to make their first shots FUN! ;)
ReplyI'm retired and the low cost is important so I can enjoy shooting more often.
ReplyI like to shoot and hate to waste money!!!
ReplyIt is just the most fun round. I can shoot all day and not worry about the price or have a bruised shoulder and eardrums.
ReplyIt's thrifty, quieter, and I can carry my .22 "semi" unobtrusively in my pocket. :)
Replyversatility, cost.
ReplyCost and easy to train with.
ReplyBecause I agree with the logic in the above article.
ReplyIt's a good all around caliber of ammo for hunting and practice.
ReplyIt is cheap and good to practice with.
ReplyIt's Just Plain FUN!!
ReplyMy first weapon was 22 rifle. I have trained with 30-30 45 ar15 m-14 m1-grand 45 40 and personal carry w/380 acp. never forget the first lesson w/weapons nor the last and all between.
ReplyIt is a fun caliber and it is cheap.
ReplyGod only knows....
ReplyEven at 12 cents per round, it's 1/5 the cost of any centerfire, can kill small game and eliminate any flinch.
ReplyI grew up, from a daisy bb gun I craved a real rifle, and idolized the stevens/savage single shot bolt action 22 thatI was able to buy from an uncle at age 12. I have shot more 22 than you'd believe
ReplyInexpensive, perfect for practice and warming up.
ReplyLight and easy to use.
Replycheep, easy to shoot and a good all purpos round.