Do you have a laser on your home defense gun? Which one and why?
Because I spent the extra money on a quality firearm. A laser can come later as my eyesight weakens with age.
Reply ReplyI own a gun with a laser, but my night stand home defense gun has a very bright blinding light attached to it.
Reply ReplyHaven't put the money out. Also I prefer to use the sights provided on the firearm, but would like to try one for fun.
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I'm considering it, but my skills/techniques worked well past 30 years.
Reply ReplyI do not want to relely on something that may not work in an emergency. I practice point of aim at least 3-4 times per week with each weapon that I carry. The only thing I rely on is myself.
Reply ReplyI don't have a laser on any of my guns, it's easier to pinpoint your position from the other end of it. K.I.S.S.-either using sights or point shooting with or without uses less to go wrong.
Reply ReplyBecause most people won't even have time to turn a laser on when their adrenaline is pumping, much lest pay attention to the red dot...they will be concentrating on the individual breaking in.
Reply ReplyBecause I have a light. Mostly likely I'm going to have trouble with a breakin at night. Need to see where I'm shooting.
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I have a Viridian laser/light combo on my XD40 easy to see and hits where I aim.
ReplyI use a Lasermax on my glock 19 w/night sights.
ReplyYes I do....
Replysecond shot gets on target faster
Replyno need for a site picture inside the home. accuracy will not be an issue with a laser
ReplyMy wife has one on her's. Laserlyte on a Taurus tcp
ReplyI consider it a necessity to potentially ward off a boogie man! No denying, the combination light/laser is the best.
ReplyYes----easier to aim !!!
ReplyEasier to aim under low light/no light, have relatively low-priced unit for now w/light/laser combo
ReplyIn case I must shoot from an odd position where I cannot use my sights.
ReplyI have one on my Kel Tec Sub 2000 because the sights need help.
Replyeasier target acquisition from odd or short range self defense shots
Replyin addition to iron site the laser is an additional mean of getting the shot on target. laser can also serve as additional intimidation factor.
ReplyI purchased a set of Crimson Trace laser grips for my 1911 for those once in a million chances that I will need to shoot in an awkward position and can't get my iron sights into my sight picture.
ReplyVery quick target acquisition in low light situations. Confidence as I shoot....the round goes exactly where the dot appears every time. Co witnessed to the iron sights so I have both bases covered.
ReplyI also have a tactical light below the laser.
ReplyFaster & more accurate aim (especially if in the dark or with defused lighting).
ReplyI wear trifocals and sometimes having target and sights in focus at the same time is difficult, especially at longer range as a threat approaches. When in range it is't a problem
ReplyI use Crimson Trace, easy to use, and I can get on target quickly.
ReplyAllows me to fire accurately when the sights are not usable!
ReplyLasers are great for the "old eyes" problem. At home defense distance, "point shooting" is quite effective but the laser, if it works, improves the shot placement.
ReplyI have a Crimson Trace laser grip on my G23.
ReplyI have a guide rod laser in my Springfield XD40 subcompact. Not that it is required but it IS a tool. It serve more tan just as a targeting device, but as an intimidation tool. and it works
ReplyThe laser is on my wife's pistol. I work nights and have taught her point and fire for cqc. The laser is a good aid.
ReplyLaserLite on my KelTekPF9
ReplyBecause I have one and it shows up better than iron sights inside a dimly lit house.
Replyone of these days I intend to invest the money on green, don't know what brand. why, my eyesight sucks without my glasses and cross eye dominent
ReplyI just bought a Veridian laser myself; my farsightedness has gotten bad, and a laser is cheaper than a good reflex sight on a pistol
ReplyThe laser can help when shooting from an awkward position where lining up the sights may be difficult, otherwise, iron sights are my first choice.
ReplyAdrenalin could cause you to aim improperly. Any aiming aid would be a welcome bonus in a bad situation.
ReplyI felt the Laser would give me an edge in an emergency. Also, the laser gives family members more feelings of security
ReplyBecause it's necessary to have the tools made for your weapon to allow you to perform to the best of your ability with your weapon.
ReplyAids in aiming, especially in low light. Actual psychological effect to the criminal to see a laser on them.
ReplyReading a lot if pros and cons of a laser and I decided to go with C5L viridian Adrenaline effects are different for various people,I train with a laser just like all the other motor skill drills.
ReplyBecause a good laser is easier to see in low light that tritium night sights.
ReplyI have lasers on all of my defensive handguns.
ReplyQuicker sight acquisition. Helps if your eye sight isn't so good if you don't have time to grab your glasses or have enough light.
ReplyMy S&W .38 Bodyguard came with the lazer attached. It was one of the reasons why I purchased. It may help avoid an incident, but it will also help in hitting the target if need be. Confidence.
ReplyI have a laser light combo on my P226 as a just in case situation. I have Siglite sights on as well which is my go to aiming mechanism. But should the worst ever happen I have the tools I need.