Commented "I received gift cards & money. I get to choose what gifts I want. I usually give these gifts also, I usually figure the one receiving the gift knows better than me what they want or need. Most people seem to like getting to choose their gift."
Commented "Dinner time isn't just about eating. It's the time for the family to reconect after the work/school day is over. Exceptions should be made if there is an emergency. Under normal circumstances, the family should be present and pay attention to each other. After dinner is over would be a better ti"
Commented "I get frightened when I'm in a dangerous situation, but, I don't get scared by every little thing that has or could happen. I figure that life gives us enough things that we have to deal with, so why bother waste time on things that haven't or may never happen. I have also found that by prying and"
Commented "I can't take chilly weather. Because I have hypothyroidism, I'm usually cold. I like the hoodie because the hood helps to cover my ears and give them a break from the chilly weather.
Commented "When I was a homeowner, I planted fruit trees in the back yard. But, when my husband got laid off, we sold the house and we rent an apartment. Without a yard of our own, I don't have trees."
Commented "I was not able to go to college. Without an education, I was limited to public service jobs. I wanted to be a computer programmer, but could not .