Should The Flash have been a stand alone film instead of relying on Michael Keaton's Batman?
Yes- Batman 89 seems like a gimmick
No- It can't stand on its own

I'll echo some folks in saying if it were not for 89 Batman returning, I'd be much less excited about this film. Instantly goes from a maybe I'll catch it on Netflix to day 1 in theatres.. Alternatively, they could have just made a Crisis/multiverse film and I would have watched it for Keaton.
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Ezra Miller is annoying, Keaton Batman is the only reason I will even watch it.
Reply ReplyBut do you HAVE TO watch the movie then? Michael Keaton can't compensate for a bad The Flash movie since it should be about The Flash
1.) The multiversal twists will help to differiate it from the now definitive CW Flash. 2.) This Flash actually had (imo) great chemistry with his Batman (Affleck), so pairing him with another makes some sense. 3.) Audiences were not sold on Miller's Flash, so Keaton will likely drive ticket sales.
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Everything about this production is backwards and wrong-headed. Including Keaton is the rotten cherry on top.
ReplyAs much as I like Michael Keaton, having to cram in his Batman just shows Warner has no confidence in their movie Cheap fanservice and marketing ploy The Flash movie should be about The Flash
ReplyYes cause the only reason people are interested in this movie is because of keaton coming back not because of millers flash.