Commented "They’re doing the right thing representing the people that elected them. This should be up to vote by the people of this state. She’s overstepping her boundaries. "
Commented "Pretty tired of watching the Dems throw a tantrum just about every time he does or says something. Trump is the best bet to keep going, the Dems seem to be reaching with 23 wanna be candidates. "
Replied "He’s not the most PC president we’ve had, and not all presidents have made true with what’s been promised, he has. It isn’t easy when the media is biased and all you see is the other side. "
Replied "Dems have had sufficient time to do what’s needed, unfortunately they don’t work on their own districts. Work on what you’ve been elected for. Emtasol"
Commented "He’s been under attack since he was sworn in. He may not be the token president, but he’s been more true to his promises than past presidents. Elected officials need to focus on their districts. "