Who do you favor so far in the 2020 Presidential campaign?
Anyone of the Democrats would be better than T-rump he is totally tearing this country apart. I have never seen a so called president side with so many dictators even against his people. Dumb
Reply Replyyou need to do some real research instead of listening to news and other forms of crasp. our nation is finally back on track.!! TRUMP2020
I'm a very proud Democrat! My vote is for Kamala Harris. We've had enough men in the White House, it's definitely time for an intelligent, confident woman! Trump MUST GO! #ImWithKamala
Reply ReplyI voted this side b/c someone has to take down "him" downright now. I'm favoring Biden but time will tell? The economy was good when when "he" took office and its been luck that it's stayed good.
Reply ReplyAbout 2/3 of these need to take their efforts elsewhere. Narrow it down so the best person to defeat DT is put up against him.
Reply Reply
And look at the economy its doing really well with trump dont listin to cnn its fake news
There are some good Republicans but 45 is in love with a bunch of dictators and has said he wants to be strong just like Putin, Kim, and Xi. He is a liar, a cheat, racist, and a bigot. Vote Blue!!!
Reply ReplyHoward Schultz is my choice for 2020 because all the rest will just keep the two major parties fighting, which is the biggest problem for the country.
Reply Reply
Trump 2020 is all democrats do is tax and spend and believe in abortion
ReplyTrump is the best bet at this time.
ReplySo, it's taken an OFF THE HILL guy to place this country back on the trail of rebuilding the foundations that so many past administrations have FAILED to do. Continue the triumph, Trump!
ReplyTrump 2020!!!!t
ReplyI think that President Trump is exactly the person we need to keep fighting for the American people.
ReplyThe economy. The only way to save Social Security is to have more people working at higher wages. The opposite of what you will get if Democrats prevail.
ReplyHe’s a good man and tells it like it is and has helped our country more than previous, for sure, so sad he doesn’t get any thanks for anything. I pray for him 👍🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸
ReplyIt amazes me how easily people are brain washed by all the false narratives pounded into their heads constantly by the liberal left, i.e., socialists.
ReplyTrump isn't my favorite Republican, but he's better than what the Democrats are so far offering.
ReplyPretty tired of watching the Dems throw a tantrum just about every time he does or says something. Trump is the best bet to keep going, the Dems seem to be reaching with 23 wanna be candidates.
ReplyTrump 2020
ReplyAt this point there is no way I could vote for a Demacrap. Smaller Gov, less welfare and taxs, security, and personal freedoms. All though I also support pro choice, and gay rights,
ReplyI think we should disband all parties and just vote for the person with the most common since. No more Republicans or Democrats and limit the amount that can be spent on any election.
Replydemorats anti god anti united states they would like to destroy democratsy
ReplyDemocrats have lost their way. They do not even follow the Constitution anymore. Trump and done more good for America than any Democrat ever did. TRUMP 2020
ReplyTheir truthfulness to the Party
ReplyDems have let me down.