Should the President work to attain bipartisanship?
Yes he's our leader
No he's under attack
After two years of trying, the Dems won't stop. time to end it and move on.
Reply ReplyHuh? The “dems” have only controlled the House since January. Also, Congress hasn’t seen the un-redacted Mueller report or heard his testimony.
Dems have had sufficient time to do what’s needed, unfortunately they don’t work on their own districts. Work on what you’ve been elected for. Emtasol

Democrats obstruct everything that he does. And it is all to deflect away from their crimes that they committed while Obama and HRC were in office. THEY ARE THE ONES THAT NEED TO BE INVESTIGATED NOW!!
Reply ReplySomeone’s been watching too muck Fox News! House has passed dozens of bills, but McConnell won’t let them be voted on in Senate.
The Dems HATE Trump. Period! THEY, need to get back to work and put their hate aside. Hillary lost, it's over. Move forward!
Reply ReplyIt wouldn’t matter Congress is so in love with their own soundbites that they have forgotten what their job is. I’m not voting for anybody in Congress who continuesthis nonsense!
Reply ReplyCollusion between DNC and dominant media to destroy Trump and overthrow a duly elected president. There was an attempted coup, as found in Communist counties! And it was supported by most media.
Reply ReplyHe spent 2.5 years being investigated and it was concluded there was nothing, after an investigation. Democrats should ask Trump "if we work with you would you ask the DOJ not to investigate us?"
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And he should say no, ALL of you need to be investigated for ANY crimes. That would drain the swamp faster than anything.
He’s been under attack since he was sworn in. He may not be the token president, but he’s been more true to his promises than past presidents. Elected officials need to focus on their districts.
Reply ReplyThe Dems should be ashamed of themselves! Especially Pelosi and others who clearly haven't accepted the results of the 2016 election. TRUMP 2020
Reply ReplyThe Dem's ideas haven't worked in the past and they keep pushing for the same old agenda that doesn't work and want More our tax money.
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BUT, so should the Dems.
ReplyHe should have to follow the law like everyone else. If he has nothing to hide, why is he refusing to cooperate or provide taxes? Why can't we see an un-redacted Mueller report if he's innocent?
ReplyStupid question. His malignant narcissism makes him incapable And of working with anyone he perceives as his adversary.
ReplyI did not vote for trump for many reasons but I had hoped he would work for bipartisanship rather than encourage divisiveness and inflammatoy rhetoric.
ReplyYes, but his ego won't allow it. When 1 side likes being told how to think by Fox's 'opinion' of the news v. getting the real news, constructive dialogue will never happen in the electorate either.
ReplyUnfortunately, he is incapable of doing this.
ReplyHonestly!.......he's the only President of late that I recall using in earnest the "bipartisan" intention so often in his urgency of trying to get business done for both sides of the fence.
ReplyBoth parties should work towards cooperation rather than maintaining partisan power.
ReplyIt's his job. Further if he had nothing to hide, he would not put up such a fuss. He's only making everything worse.