Will you be reading a book for Banned Book Week?
Kevin Nik Myles Hayward
No books are being banned. Parents are just asking that certain inappropriate literature not be accessible to underage minors. Get over yourselves already
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William Waters
I only voted no because I don't like to read. If I did , then I would read what ever book I wanted to. I don't like books being banned when my tax dollars pay for libraries.
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The only books that parents want removed from school are not age appropriate. Can I go to a school library/public library and check out a Playboy or Hustler magazine. There is NO BANNING of books going on just concerned parents wanting age appropriate material for their kids. Stop virtue signaling!
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It is our first amendment right to read whatever books we choose. It is hypocritical to talk about "freedom" and then think these selected few should be telling us what "they" think we should read. It's tyranny at it's best and disgusting.
ReplyI read every day. This is supposed to be a free country. Parents need to be aware of what their kids are reading and explain issues, not hide them. Banning something just makes it more appealing to kids.
ReplyYou know who banned books and burned them? The Nazis.