Should the president declare emergency to build the border wall?
Yes-end the shutdown
No-abuse of power!
No because that would be caving into the Dictator Trump and his clown family that took over the WH
Reply ReplyNo emergency, situation at border is not as bad as it was 10 years ago. It would be an abuse of power and the court challenge would waste more time and money.
Reply ReplyA wall will not stop people from trying to enter. They will tunnel under the wall of climb over it. Total waste of money
Reply ReplyThis isn't a dictatorship (yet). Most people feel a 5.7 BILLION wall is not cost effective. It is only a vanity wall!
Reply ReplyThe thing is...the real experts who are AT the border trying to protect the border say we need some more wall. You can't stop all the leaks, but the more you plug the easier their job is.
In spite of the lies of Trump, and the allegiance of his mindless followers, there is not "invasion" of our borders. The "threat" will be the lack of farm workers at harvest time.Look at Obama in 2012
Reply ReplyI support the wall, but it has to be done right. If it's ABSOLUTELY necessary to give workers their money so they have food......MAYBE.
Reply ReplyHell no! His campaign promise was Mexico to pay but they say NO so his promises is nil and void. Most of us do not want the damn wall! Stop holding the Federal workers hostage!
Reply Reply
ReplyPeople shouldn't have to work and not get payed.
ReplyCongress gave Both Obama & Bush for the wall. Where did that money go ? Because Trump will not line congress pocket, he will actually build that wall.. Just as he USA funded 3 other countries walls.
ReplyThe same people that are opposing the wall are the same one that wanted it before Trump took office, get over with it already, build the wall. I’m tired of the elementary school antics.
ReplyThe "hate Trump" syndrome is proving to be "hate America". These miscreants and scoundrels in Congress only care about power and money. Just look at Venezuela to see your future. Wake up America!
ReplyThis problem has been ignored and shoved under the rug for over 4 1/2 DECADES (that's over 45 years!). If you had lived in So. Calif. during those years you would be aware.
ReplyIf our country does not need a wall, then Pelosi and the rest of the Dems don't need one.
ReplyBecause it costs to much money and it’s dangerous to let people come in without vetting process and it’s illegal!
ReplyTo stop sex trafficking, ms 13 gangs and the mass amount of drugs pouring across the border need wall immediately
ReplyYes end the shutdown fund the wall
ReplyThis is one of his key points during the campaign for which he became president. We, me are proud of our President with balls to stand against these corrupt lying politicians.
ReplyIllegal immigration is a big and real problem that US has been facing for long. It gets worse each day as they bring along illegal commodities and evil intentions with them. This is why we need a wall
ReplyIts the right thing to do to protect our country.
ReplySecure borders define a country