Do you think Deschutes County should ban political signs in rights of way?
sandra zollman
Why do watch KTVZ if you so dislike it? Watch Central Oregon News. It's much more liberal.
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Having a sign on my property is a constitutionally protected activity freedom of speech. If my son hurts your feelings that's your problem Karen!
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Kevin Crabtree
Hmmm My Property has actually 2 right of ways on it I still own it pay taxes on it for now but the City has already told me not to use it. I don't think this is what the poll is about but leave the guy alone you big bad Internet Bullies.

The poll question is about having signs on right-of-way, it's highly unlikely your yard is considered right-of-way, Karen.
It's intrusive and distracting. Free speech, yes. But you can't scream "fire" in a theater when there is none and call it "free speech". The county should also consider banning vehicles flying 60 square foot flags with the F word and other flags that are a greater safety hazard than lawn signs.
ReplyIt was stated last year to take them because they can be an extraction but nothing was done about!
ReplyClutter and distracting.
ReplyThe signs are very distracting which creates a safety hazard.
ReplyDistracted driving and can also cause anger driving.
ReplyMakes it hard to see when driving by them.
ReplyDon't put out a biden 2024 sign it might cause a reck
ReplyIt's a needless distraction for drivers on both sides!