Commented "Teacher's unions, bureaucracy, federal regulations have failed our kids. Give the power (and money) back to the schools and let teachers do what they do best, teach. No more common core nonsense, DEI, and lets start with reading. Reading, writing, arithmetic, the rest will figure itself out. "
Commented "Likely won't ever happen. It removes the ability for socialists to criminalize the 'evil rich' and wage class warfare by screaming "MAKE THEM PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE!!" when we're all paying the same. Libs will surely jump in and gaslight something about hating"
Commented "If anything occurs, the effect will be temporary until the markets adjust. Funny KMIZ didn't have similar pols under Biden's double-digit inflation. Where was the media's outrage then? I know, orange man bad."
Commented "Should he have? No. For all the screaming self-righteous chest beaters watching Fox News, if it were your son/daughter, what you you do? If I were President and the power to do so, 100% I would have pardoned. Despite my feelings about biden and his failure to our country, he's still a dad."
Commented "More concerned about the behavior from the left after the election. They have the capacity, funding, immunity, and free time to carry out unspeakable acts of violence. They could make jan 6 look like a ice cream social with the media saying 'look at these peaceful protests' as cities burn."
Commented "Not because he doesn't deserve the death penalty and the world would be a better place without him, the punishment is no longer a deterrent to violent crime. Too many appeals, to many mistakes, shady prosecutors, inept defense lawyers, etc..etc. "