Commented "Leave it up to the liberals+socialists to come up with another rule to 'protect the children'. Crazy thought, how about *parents* regulate what apps their children use? Crazier thought, how about not giving children a phone until they are mature enough to handle it? 7 year olds do not need a phone."
Commented "Election time and leave it to the liberals/socialists to call increasing inflation 'easing'. I'm surprised they didn't call it a decrease. Expected 6%, rose 3% and media parrots "Biden decreases inflation by 50%. All hail our glorious leader!""
Commented "The writing is on the wall. Trump. The democrats are scared out of their minds, doing ANYTHING to keep him off the ballot. Why? Are they afraid their broken promises will haunt them in November?"
Replied "We've already given them all they need, and Ukraine keeps begging for more. Bigger question is asking 'Why?' The liberal/socialist/democrats/rhinos know why. Rule of Acquisition #34: War is good for business."
Commented "Trump was right, again, about Ukraine and the corruption at all levels. No accountability, blank checks paying off who knows, the list goes on. What happened to all those sanctions? Why have we stopped those? Something smells fishy."
Commented "The emotional response is 'Yes!', but logic kicks in. Bad mother? Yes. Bad decisions by mom? Yes. How far down the vine do you blame others for crimes they didn't personally commit? Why not go after the principle? The teacher? Aren't they as culpable as the mom?"
Replied "Amen brodda'. Iran knows we could turn them into glass, so why the provocation? Its a game the elite want to play with our sons and daughters. No thank you. "