Commented "Yes, mostly drapes, cleaning kitchen cupboards, pulling appliances out, etc. Other than that, I keep up our home regularly. The way our German clean-freak Mama raised us. "
Commented "It takes two people to hurt you. The one doing the misdeed; the other to tell you that they did. I could not be "that one." And chances are, they already know. Don't force them to have to make a decision."
Commented "In winter, once a week. In broiling hot summer, twice a week.And I launder blankets and mattress pads at least every other month. (Clean freak here....)"
Commented "We raised our children with the "if someone took the time, money, hassle and expense selecting a gift, then wrapped it, mailed it etc. Then you can take a few minutes to thank them, put a stamp on it and mail it. I've had it with the ungratefuls in our life .No more gifts."
Commented "Yes--this person has lied, back-stabbed and stolen since she could walk and talk. Every single visit she stole valuable (and sentimental) items. When she stole my wedding ring set (which has been made into a necklace) was the last straw. She is NO longer welcome in our home, never will be. "
Commented "One day, when you're older, you will dislike every single broken vein on your legs. And I saw one woman (wearing shorts and she was clearly in her 80's In the Dr's office. Her entire legs looked purple, Then I realized they were tattoos. EGADS."