Would you tell a friend if you knew their spouse was cheating?
Mechanic Man
It takes two people to hurt you. The one doing the misdeed; the other to tell you that they did. I could not be "that one." And chances are, they already know. Don't force them to have to make a decision.
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Hollye Jetton Wethington
I certainly would want to and perhaps I would find another way of informing them. Past experience, it turned on the informer and cost a friendship. Spouse didn't believe the informer.Terrible situatio
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Vicki Davidson
I would confront the cheater 1st I have been there and I know how it feels
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Jackie Jones
It would likely backfire. I feel if I know someone is cheating their partner does as well.
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Amelia Anonymous
She wouldn't believe it, and he would deny it. I would end up the bad guy.
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I've been cheated on, and later found out that 2 of my friends knew about it. I was extremely hurt by the fact that they didn't tell me. I would rather a friend be upset with me for telling them about it, instead of feeling betrayed because I knew, and didn't tell.
ReplyBecause I would want someone to tell me if my husband was cheating
ReplyI would want a friend to tell me, if they knew for fact, that my husband was cheating. A friend looks out for a friend and a foundation for friendship is being honest, no matter how how harsh the truth is.
ReplyYes, if I KNEW it, not just guessed. I'd probably talk to the cheater first and make sure I saw what I thot I saw.
ReplyIf you don't, then how can you possibly call yourself a FRIEND?
ReplyIf the person being cheated on was a family member or close friend, I'd tell them. Not sure if they'd be glad or pissed at me, but I'd have to let them know.
ReplyI was cheated on and it would have been good to know, rather than to be totally stunned.
ReplyYes. I'd want to know, and I'd hope a friend would tell me.
ReplyI found out I was being cheated on. I immediately went for an HIV test which came back negative. A friend, same situation, came back positive. Yes, I would tell! Lives are at stake.
ReplyAll depending on how close of a friend.
ReplyI can't keep a secret
ReplyI would, even if i lost that friend, because i would want to know if it was happening to me.
ReplyI'd want to know if the situation was reversed. I'd feel hurt & betrayed if it was me getting cheated on & no one told me and I couldn't do that to my friend. Its just wrong in every way.
ReplyNoone deserves to be putting their all into a relationship,while their so is cheating. I would want someone to tell me if I was getting cheated on.
ReplyThey need to know. I would absolutely tell!
ReplyI have done this. I would want to be told. My friend was glad i'd told her.
ReplyEven if the friend would rather not know (an "ignorance is bliss" approach), the cheating spouse might give the friend an STD or, these days, Covid-19. I'm not really a friend if I say nothing.
ReplyNot sure how I'd approach it but yes
ReplyI would hope someone would do the same for me! Given that I 100% knew they were having an affair. I would be humiliated to find out others knew I was being so disrespected like that and didn't tell me
ReplyBecause I would expect my friends to tell me.
ReplyIf it was me, I would want to know.
ReplyI would want to know.
Replyi would first approach the cheater and say, "You tell her or I will." And then back it up.
ReplyI would want to know, so I would give the same courtesy to my friend.
ReplyBecause I'm a loyal friend
ReplyI would tell the cheater first to make sure it was true.
ReplyI feel that everyone should know the truth. Then let them decide what they want to do with the information. They may already know or at least suspect something.