How often do you change your bedsheets?
Every week
Less (or more) than
Every week
Less (or more) than
Vickie Lynn
We change our sheets about every three weeks. But we usually shower at night rather than mornings
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Carole Shepherd
Every two weeks when the cleaning lady comes. I strip the bed and lay out clean linens, she makes the bed. Works for us.........
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Donna Frey
I change the sheets every two weeks, and feel guilty. My mother, a better housekeeper than I, changed the sheets every Saturday.
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I don’t feel guilty a bit. I’m clean. My clothes are clean. What’s the difference. I’m not Sloven but I done clean them every week.
Dorothea Phares
I hate changing the sheets on the bed, so I tend to put it off and only do it about once a month. (I'm the only one who sleeps in my bed.)
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Just sleep and feel alot better knowing I have clean sheets
ReplyAfter a week, you can feel the difference!
ReplyI think it is better to wash sheets twice a week and blankets once a week. I have not had a cold of flu in several years
ReplyIts what i was taught to do
ReplyIn winter, once a week. In broiling hot summer, twice a week.And I launder blankets and mattress pads at least every other month. (Clean freak here....)
ReplyAt least once a week unless I crap the bed!
ReplySheets on Sunday; and bath towels on Saturday