Would you take advantage of a COVID-19 test if it were free?
Yes, definitely!
No, I wouldn't get the test.
I don't need to get the COVID-19 test. My insurance already covers the cost.
I don't need to get the COVID-19 test. My insurance already covers the cost.
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Robert Northrup
Why get a test? It means nothing other than you are free of COVID at that moment. You may already have had the virus or you might be infected 20 minutes later. In my opinion it is a total waste of time and money.
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Nik Myles
Exactly. The test is merely a moment in time. Gives false hope as well as false results. The Democrat Plandemic will fail. Stay tuned. Where We Go One We go All
Steven Daniels
I'm symptom free. Why would I waste resources and needlessly have something stuck up my nose? After all, I'm not a Creepublican.
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Lynn Huntley
Not if I feel OK and would have to stand in line for a lengthy time. Save it for someone who really needs it.
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If I had symptoms or needed to travel, of course. But otherwise, why?
ReplyWhy would you not get tested? That seems foolish.