Which streets do you think are in need of a roundabout?
Name what street needs a roundabout.
No more roundabouts!
I don't think we need any more roundabouts in Central Oregon.
I don't think we need any more roundabouts in Central Oregon.
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Carol Oatman
Roundabouts are a mess if they are anywhere near a railroad crossing, as people who cannot get around the roundabout will sit right in the middle of it, and stop everyone else, trying to go in the other 3 directions. What a mess!
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Richard Head
Blocking intersections should earn you a ticket, same with roundabouts. Sounds like the DMV needs to educate drivers better about roundabout use.
Martha McCallum Kuper
I am a senior citizen living in a senior park between Wilson and Reed Market Road. I never use Reed Market as I can't figure out when I can go. I can handle single lane round abouts. Thank heavens the roundabouts on Wilson are going to be single lane or I would have to quit driving.
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12th and Newport and 12th and Galveston. NOT Wilson and 9th. I've been at that intersection weekly. Doesn't begin to compare with them 12th Street problems
ReplyBear Creek and Pettigrew. So many accidents in evenings with sunsets and people running stop sign facing west blinding sun.
ReplyButler Market and Wells Acres. Very unsafe intersection for vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians
ReplyButler Market and Wells Acres!
Reply20 and old bend/Redmond hwy. locust and 126 in sisters
ReplyChina Hat & Knott Road!
ReplyBear creek and Pettigrew
Reply27th and neff
ReplyWilson and 9th
ReplyThe intersection of SW Canal and Salmon in Redmond could really use one.
ReplyAs many as possible, my personal pick for the next roundabout is Main st and North 3rd st in Prineville. My second pick Harwood and NW 3rd in Prineville, then Elm and NE 3rd and Combs Flat and NE 3rd. We should leave the stoplights at Deer and NW 3rd as a historical landmark, maybe put up a plaque.
ReplyO.B. Riley and Empire please! Cars are pulling out further and further into the road way. turning left onto empire is hazardous. Not to mention it is right next to the ODOT yard and they are already working on improving the sidewalks. The city and ODOT work together?????
ReplyCanal and salmon in Redmond
ReplyHamby rd and hwy 20
ReplyBefore long their will be a roundabout on every intersection
ReplyRevere and 4th needs a roundabout
ReplyThe intersection of Wells and Butler desperately need one