Should the U.S. open the strategic oil reserves to lower gas prices?
Absolutely not. Oil prices (and therefore gas prices) would drop dramatically if Congress would just reverse the disastrous executive orders Biden has put into effect restricting U.S. oil production.
Reply ReplyThere is not enough in storage to make a difference in the supply but for a few days. It is more of a political gesture than problem solving measure.
Reply ReplyDon't waste the reserves......open the keyst one pipeline, increase production and exploration in the West
Reply ReplyWe may need our reserves for war before this is over. Increase supply and lower costs by reversing Biden's orders and policies. https://americansforprosperity.org/biden-policies-raising-gas-prices/?fbclid=IwAR3jOvKpxrWnyT1iz2JrBflODu-aV7aHZdj_B4JgTndUI-8XFvAwXp3M1Jw
Reply ReplyOur enemies would love to see us use our reserves. They are there to be used in case of war. Our current government is working for the globalists not for you and I.
Reply ReplyWhy tap into a reserve that is meant for when Oil is unavailable? We have plenty of oil available, it is just that irrational environmentalists don't want us to use it: https://www.realclearenergy.org/articles/2022/03/07/greenpeace_environmentalism_allowed_putin_to_invade_ukraine_820399.html
Reply ReplyThis is not a emergency! It's a idiot in office fault.... and was ELECTED. But Not by me.
Reply ReplyNo, that is absurd and would NOT help! We need to undo everything Brandon did his first day in office declaring war on big oil! We need oil Independence for the security of this nation! Brandons horrible weakness has weakened the U S and hurt the whole world, emboldening Putin.
Reply ReplyUsing those reserves is virtue signaling. The amount they released last time didn't make a dent in the cost. Those reserves are for military use. If this admin hadn't screwed it up we would still be energy independent like we were with the previous admin. We wouldn't be having the conversation.
Reply Reply
Biden needs to open the keystone pipeline and resume oil exploration
ReplyThe strategic oil reserves are for times like this. We should also keep an eye on the oil companies and make sure they are not making extreme profits off the backs of the American citizens. After all that petroleum is being pumped from American taxpayers land that has been leased to these oil co.
ReplyHell yes. It is a no brainer, which our pres does not have.
Replywe should open most everything and the pipeline.... Sure tired of people jacking up prices on us little guys. and want us to donate at the same time. If Biden wants GREEN then provide it to use and we will use the CHEAPEST!!! Its not rocket science.
ReplyYes but this is just the beginning Drill Pump stop all taxing and restrictions set up by government what do we need reserves for if we are not going to actually help in Ukraine
ReplyOpen up the pipeline and create more jobs
ReplyThis is just ludicrous. We have the largest oil fields in the world, yet since Biden took over, we are now again dependent on world oil prices instead of our own. We wouldn't have to touch our reserves and still have cheap gas and oil. But Forrest Gump said it best " stupid is what stupid does!"
ReplyThe US shouldn't be relying on foreign sources of energy when we have more than enough to be energy independent again. We were energy independent just over one year ago. But that ended on day one of this administration.
ReplyAbsolutely! Prices are way too high! Just another attempt of oil companies taking advantage of a big situation like in the 1970's.
ReplyPrice is getting ridiculous. Average working person can't afford commuting to and from work.