Should the state move forward with Measure 114?
M-114 will do nothing to keep guns from the hands of criminals. M-114 only works to further prevent the law biding citizen from their legal right to purchase a firearm
Reply ReplyAll this measure does is it makes it harder for law abiding citizens to own firearms. No matter how hard we try to keep firearms away from those who shouldn't have them, those people will always figure out how to get them. I believe crime would be better deterred if open carry were legal.
Reply ReplyLaw empowers and gives carte blanche to police to decide who gets a firearm. Which means marginalized LGBT+ and POC will be denied in favor of right wing extremists. Would also increase policing in POC communities via magazine ban & also create a database that would target marginalized communities.
Reply ReplyMeasure 114 has several concerning components that likely violate the US constitution, cause an undue burden on the local police and is essentially a money/tax black hole.
Reply ReplyIt would be the toughest gun law in the United States and as well seen in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City and look at Australia. Tough Gun laws do not work I am not against the background checks, I think that religion needs to stay out of politics and use their money to spread Christianity
Reply ReplyGovernment needs to stop trying to destroy our Constitutional rights. 114 is the Democrats means to deny guns to those that "don't pass our tests". Taking a shooting class is just another tax and has nothing to do with gun owning rights. It is not governments business to know who owns guns.
Reply ReplyHow about locking up criminals instead? They have no regard for a "Law" in the first place.
Reply ReplyNo absolutely not. The constitution is what it is to keep unconstitutional things like this from happening. 114 is in violation of the second amendment and would do harm not any good. It will not keep criminals from getting guns, it will hamper honest people. Backwards thinking.
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Measure 114 is unconstitutional. It should never have made it onto the ballot.
Reply ReplyWhen will people understand that the violence is a people probLem and not a gun problem. Until people are held accountable, charged and not realesed early or without bail, nothing will change. Decrimalizing drugs contributes to the problem. Too much liberal, left policies.
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The people have spoken.