Should local governments decide whether to ban concealed weapons in public places?
Yes, it's up to local govt.!
No, I oppose this bill!
No I oppose... Our federal buildings I can understand. Taking my my right to defend myself and possibly others weakens us. Only law abiding citizens would be caring. They have been screened already by our Law Enforcement. It's the criminals that will carry No matter of any law.
Reply ReplyIt is just the first attempt to disarm the public. With this in place you will SEE MORE MASS SHOOTINGS, as they know no one will be able to defend themselves. Shows just how for these idiots have they heads up their asses. Pull all their protections as well then, be a good initiative ballot...
Reply ReplyThis does not address the root cause of the problem. It is nothing more than a knee jerk reaction...yet again. Great way to avoid the real problem and to disarm law abiding citizens while doing nothing to prevent the mentally ill and criminals from being armed at will.
Reply ReplyLocal governments have no legal authority to regulate weapons. I don't own a handgun and could care less if they are legal but it is not a local issue.
Reply ReplyLocal governments do not have the authority to limit ones ability to protect themselves or restrict rights granted by the constitution.
Reply ReplySo, the only place allowed to carry concealed would be your house or apartment as all other places would be considered public. No thanks. All the mass shootings have happened in public places... Thats where I would want to be armed to protect myself. Do Not Take Anymore Of My Rights Away!!!!!!
Reply ReplyThis is totally a ploy to get leverage on removing our 2nd amendment rights!
Reply ReplyWhat would be the use of a C C W permit It's a Violation of our Second Amen Rights
Reply ReplyThe only people who will be armed will be the dishonest ones. I feel safer knowing that now others may be armed even if I am not. I was robbed at gunpoint 3 times in CA. where almost no one carried a gun but criminals. I did use a gun and one went to prison.
Reply ReplyNo it is against the second amendment and Gun control is nonsense, the bad guys will always have guns! What we need is more armed good citizens carrying guns so when some whacko starts shooting a good citizen can save lives by stopping them! Oregon needs, no permit concealed carry! Knives kill more
Reply Reply
If rural counties don't want it, they don't have to do it.
ReplyIf the residents of a local municipality feel that existence of gun carrying people in a public venue is menacing and not conducive to free expression, then--of course--they should be able to legislate a ban.
ReplyWhat about the rights of innocent people that have been killed and maimed? As a responsible handgun owner, I oppose assault weapons and they should NOT be allowed at peaceful protests or in our government buildings. It's intimidation and infringes on others rights
ReplyWay too many nuts with guns. If you ever take a CCP class you'd understand.