Have you gotten a ticket for speeding in Central Oregon?
Yes! (tell us where exactly)
Kevin Crabtree
They need to write more of them on our road wrecks all the time people do not follow the limit. I am not for tickets but some places people drive too fast.
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Michael Miller
You have to drive like you are crazy to get one of those anywhere, but in Bend they don't exist.
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Jeff Sorrick
No I haven't since I generally stay at or slightly over most posted speed limits. On the parkway staying in the right lane moving over for those trying to enter from some of the side streets. This is not a freeway people. I left that long ago. It only takes a minute longer to get the 6+ miles
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Dianne Price
I've never gotten a ticket for anything, any where!! Started driving in 1959!!
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ReplyI got one 3 years ago while driving a rental car while mine was in the shop. I have a radar detector, so I never get tix, but it wasn't in the rental. I got my tic on 97, just before the left-hand entry to the mall for going 13 over.
ReplyI got a ticket for going 50mph on the parkway. I was following the flow of traffic. The judge dismissed it.