Do you think schools should teach about Oregon's early black exclusion law?
sandra zollman
This is just more Critical Race Theory meant to divide races and teach that whites are the problem. CTR is a hateful teaching that causes more racism. Teaching the past racism doesn't serve any purpose. It's time to move on and stop dwelling on it.
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sandra zollman
There's a big difference between teaching history and teaching others to hate using history.

Ummm...many whites HAVE been a problem and continued to be for generations. Pretending otherwise hasn't made things better, has it?
Byron Buck
By that ridiculous logic we shouldn’t teach any history because it’s all in the past. It’s real history and if it makes you uncomfortable that’s your problem.
ALL TRUETFULL HISTORY SHOULD we taught. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
ReplyAll factual history should be included in the teaching of history. Unlike the 1619 project, the exclusion Claus is a part of true history. If you don't learn from history you are doomed to repeat it.
ReplyHistory is history and it should be taught accurately, not spun by either the right or the left.
ReplyALL the history of , any state, should be taught!
ReplyTeach it all, hiding from the truth only serves to make things worse.
ReplyWell, it's history isn't it? Of course they should read it. The 1859 charter that made Oregon a state says Oregon is to be a white's only state, and the age of consent is 10 years old.
ReplyYes, but it shouldn't be the primary focus of the entire curriculum. Keep it in context and teach the historical facts.
ReplyIt's history and you shouldn't only teach part of history