Do you support vaccine mandates for certain professions?
Yes, I support it!
No, I don't support this!
They are being forced though coercion. They are being threatened with their jobs. That is coercion.
It is not unconstitutional. No one is being forced to be vaccinated, but the vaccination has become a condition of certain types of employment. I had to be fingerprinted and have a negative TB test in order to receive my teaching credential. I was not forced to get the credential. It was my choice.
Reply ReplyMedical freedom our own bodies our choice.. This is gonna destroy and cripple our health system and education system . this whole pandemic is a crock.. Its just like the flu..99% cure rate is hardly a deadly virus
Reply ReplyYour government should not be able to tell your employer what they must require medically to employ you. Total over reach.
Reply ReplySuch mandates violate personal conscience rights and religious rights, especially when considering that the "vaccines" are experimental, unproven, novel gene therapies and have connections to aborted children. Natural immunity studies show natural immunity is 6.7X more effective than "vaccines.
Reply ReplyIt's not okay to force it on someone. I have natural immunity from having covid, have been around people that have it currently including some that have gotten the shot and I have not gotten sick therefore I won't spread anything. So why force something that isn't needed on some people.
Reply ReplyThis is bullshit... What happened to my body my choice? Forcing a vaccine should never be mandated!
Reply ReplyScience is clear, children have adverse effects mentally and physically from starting school to early. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/school-and-sleep/later-school-start-times
Reply ReplyYou have more people dying from heart disease than from COVID. Our health decisions are for us to make not government or anyone else for that matter.
Reply Reply1. It dosnt work 2. Not a vaccine 3. Over reach of power 4. My body is not your concern 5. This is all a fear tactic and its not working. 6. Higher risk of death from the shot. 7. This is supposed to be AMERICA land of the FREE, NOT free for the government to do what ever they WANT!!
Reply ReplyNo one should be forced to put something in their body they don't agree with. Freedoms given away are rarely reinstated.
Reply Reply
Public Health trumps any one person’s personal liberty. This is a war we must have compliance with. Otherwise, lockdowns are again inevitable!
ReplyIt amazes me that so many people are so ignorant and selfish in their refusal to get vaccinated. How much more evidence does someone need to see that the vaccine will save their life. If you are not vaccinated and you get Covid, you should have to pay your own medical expenses.
Replythis virus is deadly, spreads extremely fast and continues to mutate. in order to slow this process and keep our children safe getting the vaccine is essential .
ReplyHospitals are being overwhelmed with covid patients, most have not been vaccinated!! Come on people---GET THE SHOTS!!
ReplyWe have been getting vaccinated since the first three months of being born. Maybe if the medical community would stop treating the unvacinated. After all it's free choice.
ReplyI will NOT wear a mask, but I do not understand why everyone wont get vaccinated so we can get past all of this! IT should not have to be mandated, just fricken do it, do it now!