Do you support the ban on fireworks?
Yes, we have dangerous temperatures!
No, we have to celebrate!
Central Oregon has had many past hot dry summers and there was No ban on fireworks then. It seems like they thought about getting away with masks so are now saying "Hey we are on a roll so lets just keep trying to tell these sheep what to do"!
Reply ReplyWe don't "Have to celebrate" with fireworks. This poll is mixing narratives. Yes we should celebrate. It has zero to do with a ban. Most patriotic Americans would never dream of putting their community at risk. Thanks for being dicks about our freedom of expression as patriots.
Reply ReplyHow many freedoms will be stolen from us in this tyrannical blue state? Move to freedom!
Reply ReplyI am for freedom and against the horrible blue stench upon our country and our state, but it is way too HOT, DRY and drought conditions require restraint, common sense! NOW WAY we should have fireworks in these conditions, this is not an attack on freedom like the stupid lock downs. too hot and dry
Just plain stupid to light off fireworks in this Hot Dry weather unless fire personnel is right there at the ready. Period!!!
ReplyIt's the right and smart thing to do.
ReplyI hope it extends to DRW, even though it is outside of city limits.
ReplyFire danger. Smart and safe!,
ReplyWe have extremely hot and dry conditions. We can celebrate the 4th with fireworks when we get cooler temperatures and safer conditions.
ReplyBecause there are too many idiots in this area who don't have common sense or know fire safety
ReplyIf you think it's a good idea to sell fireworks in the middle of an extensive heat wave and tinder box conditions then maybe you should change your line of work. Common sense isn't Common!!!!!!
ReplyBuy your fireworks from the vendors and wait until it cools down and is safer. It is not anti-American, it is common sense. But people are always showing that common sense is in short supply.
ReplyBecause of the hot temperatures, and with it being so dry it can start more fires.
ReplyFireworks do not equal patriotism. The heat makes it very dangerous out there!
ReplyWith the heat and the drought we do not need to have any fires stated. I am sure no one wants to lose their homes and have fires like we did last year. Those that want fireworks, what or how would you feel if you burnt down your house? Not worth the risk. There is always next year
ReplyGood Heavens! Isn't that just obvious with such high temps and fire danger all around us???
ReplyIt’s ridiculous to risk fireworks during a heat wave and drought. Not worth burning down a neighborhood, killing people, pets or wildlife.
ReplyThe risk of fire is not worth it. Not only that, but the wildlife is already stressed in this heat, and fireworks will increase morbidity and mortality of the heat wave.
ReplyI am for freedom and against the horrible blue stench upon our country and our state, but it is way too HOT, DRY and drought conditions require restraint, common sense! NOW WAY we should have fireworks in these conditions, this is not an attack on freedom like the stupid lock downs. too hot and dry
ReplyTemps and fire danger are too high and people act irresponsibly with fireworks. A ban is the right thing to do. Now I hope my neighbors and the rest of the city will comply.
ReplyNot only should they be banned this year, they should be illegal everywhere in Oregon all the time. Just anyone not being able to use and possess dangerous pyrotechnics should be one of the new realities in Oregon in light of the dangers posed by climate change.
ReplyFireworks are dangerous in a good year. Given current conditions, private use would be too risky.
ReplyI am very concerned we could have a serious fire in our area. One careless person with fireworks could change so much, so quickly.
ReplyAll fireworks should be banned & the sales of them too!! Common sense should tell us it's just TOO DRY!! You can always get some & set them off for New Years!! That's what we're going to do!!
ReplyOur "freedoms" to have fun aren't as important as people's lives and property. Those who think otherwise need to grow up.
Replyi live in a forested rea, but their should av been warnings some of the dealers could be bankrupt.
ReplyDrought, temps, fire
ReplyNot only is it just an unwise thing to do in the desert, but with the number of vets with PTSD, and the number of animals who are utterly terrified, it would be a kind and considerate thing to eliminate. There are many ways to celebrate that don't cause suffering to others.
ReplyTo big of fire danger why risk it.
ReplyBecause it is to damaging at this time.. Doesn't stop people from buying them ..And we will have fireworks,they can go to. But if we had our owe fireworks and it was banned you could fine them or pay for the cost of a fire, if a fire starts.. There are too many careless people to be safe.
ReplyCommon sense.
ReplyTo hot and dry. Just look around and see the fires in our area already. We don't need more.
ReplyWith the ongoing drought in the Pacific Northwest and the intensely high heat, we need to put community and environmental safety over personal use of fireworks this year. Watch the Pilot Butte fireworks instead. Think of the consequences should a wildfire break out because of careless handling.
ReplyIt's not just hot, but it is also dry with humidity hovering around 10%. I don't think a lot of people from other areas understand how dry we are here. And where there are fireworks, there's also alcohol, creating idiots out of people who might otherwise have some common sense.
ReplyFireworks are dangerous fire hazards under the best circumstances. Part of the tree hedge at Dutch Stover Field has already been burned because of irrresponsible use of fireworks. they also cause a great deal of fear in animals, and can cause severe mental health disturbances for veterans.
ReplyI don't think we should EVER have fireworks here in the desert where any spark can cause a catastrophe. You don't have the right to endanger other people's safety, lives, property or pets. Think of others, not yourself!
ReplyYes, unfortunately