Do you support limiting self-checkout stands at grocery stores?
Yes, for jobs!
No, we need more!

It is totally frustrating to be in line and someone who hates technology is trying to cash a $5 coupon. And write a check! :(
Reply ReplyAutomation is happening. I worked as a cashier once. It was miserable. I love that I can do my own work and not wait as long.
Reply ReplyHow about we regulate based on American Values... freedom being the important one. Stop regulating everything TO DEATH.
Reply ReplyIt's so much faster than the two regular check stands that are open when the store is slammed.
Reply ReplyAt my store, we added self checkouts because we were understaffed. We're still understaffed...... Without our self-checks, we'd only ever have 2-6 registers open.
Reply ReplyWith the growth in Bend there are plenty of jobs and also that brings very crowded grocery stores. We need the self-checkout to balance the outrageous growth in this town.
Reply ReplyLook at the multitude of cashierless check out stands at most stores ( ie. Walmart, BiMart, Target. They aren't staffing enough cashiers as it is. Let us check ourselves out. Faster/ more efficient
Reply Reply
1- they take jobs away from real people. 2- they are irritating as hell!
ReplyI will wait in line 99% of the time I would rather shop at a Logan's Ray's or any other Local merchant than a big Box even if I pay a little more
ReplyThey are a pain to use and I still appreciate/expect customer service. If I want to self checkout I'll shop online!
ReplyBecause for every self checkout stand there could be a person employed helping to lower the employment rate
ReplyI do not like self check out to inconvenient for a basket full of groceries.
ReplyIf I'm doing my own checkout and bagging, I should get 50% discount since I'm doing their job without pay. Need to keep cashiers in place and stop trying to make more profits from the customer.
ReplyThe reduction of self check machines should be replaced with person operated check stands. Otherwise the corporations will just opt to leave customers in long lines if measure to reduce automation pas
ReplyAbsolutely!! Where do I sign? Not only for jobs but if an issue occurs, it takes longer to fix at a self-checkout than going thru a human-manned checkout. I've had a lot of issues at a self-checkout.
ReplySome people are not ready to scan, bag and then do all the electronic stuff required to check themselves out. Especially seniors. Could give many more reasons why they are not the best idea.
ReplyI deserve a discount if I use self check out. I have saved the wage of two people, the checker and the bagger. I have limited my shopping at the Redmond Fred Meyer - often forced to use self checkout.
ReplyYes, for jobs but keep what the stores have now...I prefer self-checkout, in and out quickly
ReplyI am not getting a discount or wage to check out my own groceries. I am not an employee. I let the employees do their jobs by checking out my purchase.
ReplyWhat will people do without these type of jobs? I would rather have someone check me out with a friendly face than a stupid manchine.