Do you support banning/charging for plastic grocery bags?
Yes, 100%
It goes too far...
this is not an environmental issue. this was put into action to make politicians feel better about them selfs. if we really want to do good for the environment we should get rid of plastic bottles
Reply ReplyI dont mind banning the plastic bags, how ever the taxing of paper bags is just stupid.
Reply ReplyWe already get hosed buying food, now they want to charge for a bag too!! Bring back paper bags, have no problem eliminating the plastic, just want my groceries in a bag when I leave the store!
Reply ReplyBan, yes. Charge, no. Charge only those using them.... Dont charge (or even offer a discount) for those that bring their own reusable bags!
Reply ReplyIt's another "feel good" law that makes no sense. Just think about the amount of plastic in your shopping cart in just a months worth of grocery shopping alone. A few little shopping bags are nothing.
Reply ReplyI found this offensive in San Francisco and even more so in Oregon. Why not make the plastic out of something that composts quickly. I do not need someone else trying to change my ways.
Reply Reply
Ban plastic bags and tax disposable diapers. They both cause problems in the land fills.
ReplyPlastic is everywhere. Good for Oregon. Let’s get rid of more plastics
ReplyThere is so much damage done to ocean life and it's such a plague on our lands. Of course, it should be banned. Too much plastic!
ReplyHave you seen the oceans lately?
ReplyToo much crap being tossed in the environment/Ocean causing way too many problems. Until people can be respectful of it then ban/charge. Might open their eyes
ReplyPlastics NEVER go away...they stay around forever. However, I HATE the thought of reusable bags. Can you IMAGINE the homes some of them come from? Viruses, bacteria, pets on the counter tops, ETC..
ReplyCharging, yes, banning, no.
ReplyI support the plastic bag ban. The only way to get people to change behavior is to make people pay. Then they will think twice.
ReplyWe need to quit using plastic items, especially plastic grocery bags. A small fee if you don't have your own bag is more than fair. It's time we started taking our own bags to the store anyway.