Do you support an initiative that would prevent lawmakers from walking out?
Yes, I support it!
No, I don't support this!
With a supermajority hellbent on destroying personal liberties in this state, the only way to stop bad bills is to deny quorum.
Reply ReplyThis is the only way to not be a partisan government. The issues that were not attended had zero Republican input. We need a democracy that can compromise. One party rule leads to failure.
Reply ReplyDemocrats have rigged the system in Oregon to the extent that only by walking out are half of Oregon's population being represented. Democrats ignore the will of the voters because they think you are stupid.
Reply ReplyRigged? Like McConnell changing the rules to suit HIS party? Like saying the next SCOTUS justice should be elected by the "next" POTUS - when he didn't want Obama's choice - but completely changing the rules when it was Trump in office. You guys talk out of both sides of your mouth!! Disgusting!
NO not at all, The common sense party must have some way of thwarting the horrible Dems agenda which is damaging this country badly! We must fight and stop their Gestapo tactics to save America!!! Seriously look at the blue cities they are much, much worse off than the red cities! Enabling riots!
Reply ReplyIt's part of the checks and balance system. If the bill is so bad that there is no common ground it should be stopped or sent to the people for a vote. If the voters approve, then it should be law. Democrats have used this as well.
Reply Reply
Super majority is about control.Not representative of the true public opinion. The walkout stalls bad legislation. It's the only effective control for political overreach.
ReplyOur pubic servants are PAID TO DO THEIR JOBS! Walking out on a bill they disagree on is acting like a petulant child, Get in there and do the work. Otherwise, don't try to get elected for a job you do not intend to do.
ReplyI think there is already a law preventing walkouts, but, sure, anything extra that would keep them on the job.
ReplyI'm not allowed to walk out on my job WITH PAY, if I don't like what's going on
ReplyDemocrats & Republicans have been guilty of 'calling in sick'. In a democratic-republic, it is the act of a coward, or a scoundrel, to avoid doing their sworn-duty, when they are able. Military Veterans, and others, have endured great pain, and even death, for showing up, to do their job!