Do you have snow tires?
Tracie Layman
Have a Subaru and run all season tires year round. Just slow down on snowy roads.
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I want to live
ReplyWe use studless winter tires and have for years. Studs might work better on glare ice but I've used good studless tires west of the Cascades even after ice storms with no issues. studs tear up roads.
ReplyBlizzaks....no studs. Best snow tires
ReplyI will NEVER use studs !! I use good winter traction tires
ReplyI didn't put snow tires on last year, then the Feb 26th snowstorm hit and couldn't get out of my driveway.. Not going to let that happen this year.
ReplyYou need every advantage you can get. Snow tires work!
ReplyI have 2 sets of tires 1 does have studs but I never use them. I just add a couple sand bags in the back of my RAV4, put it in lower gear when needed & off I go. Studs tear up the roads. DRIVE SLOW
ReplyLiving here requires at the LEAST an all-wheel drive. I always drive a 4x4 truck with "all season" tires and get around just fine.
ReplyI use studded snow tires. I want more security while I’m on the road.
ReplyNo studs though!