Do you believe cell phone towers are harmful to your health?
Yes, it's harmful!
No, probably not.
I don't know how these parents can worry about these towers when they all have a cell phone glued to their ear all the time, AND they let their children have them too.
Reply ReplyCell towers use microwaves(used in microwaves) and radio waves(used in radios)which have a longer wavelength than visible light(basically anything you can see)and short wavelengths are more dangerous
Reply ReplyNo more then the sun. The protesters wasn't doing anything to protect their children from the sun.
Reply ReplyAccording to the ACS, they are most likely safe. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/radiation-exposure/cellular-phone-towers.html
Reply Reply
Reply ReplyQuite frankly there are other things that have an actual impact on your health like drinking soda and exercising that you should be more concerned about.
Reply ReplyAgree. It's easier to focus on arbitrary things like cell towers than actually have to look at real things that control your health, like diet and exercise!
I’m furious about the city allowing Verizon to build a 4g tower next to the elementary. This is something the people should vote on. The city is putting business before its voters and should be fired
Replyeverything is!
ReplySpeculation about harmful towers, electrical plants and even cell phones at your head have been around for decades. If not harmful, speculation about such things would have been put to rest long ago.
ReplyI know they are bad for health. Several peer reviewed studies show it. Not 'believe' it's bad; I know. You can tell when you camp next to one. Don't believe me? Try it. Don't want to? Why not? lol