Do you agree with the May 1st deadline for homeless campers to move?
Diana Cockerill
They are humans and have no other options.We try not to let that happen to unwanted pets, yet have no problem in letting it happen to, what many consider, unwanted people!
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Never should have been allowed in the first place! Bend needs to develop a site with bathrooms, showers and rules,like NO drugs and NO trash. At least Redmond is trying to help these people. Take a. Lesson from them. Get off the dime and solve the problem
ReplyThey have had excessive amount of time to move off land they are not even allowed to live on!
ReplyThey have had ample time to move. Vegetation reduction helps slow and or stop wildfires that will eventually hit that area and destroy millions of dollars worth of homes and people's lives.
ReplyI say move the campers off forest land and onto main street if you want public funding for homelessness in Bend to become an immediate priority!!!
ReplyLiving in SE Bend I really enjoyed going to China Hat with my Jeep to off road and walk with my dogs. The thought of being shot has kept me from doing that for a while now. Good riddance to the homeless and make it where they can't come back.
Replyit is public land, NOT someones home! The public cannot use it without fear of saftey. We DONT need another human caused fire that happens EVERY year out there, we have enough to worry about with mother nature fires. Time to move on!
ReplyFire danger and trash in the forest
ReplyBeing homeless is usually the result of bad choices. My taxes help pay for government land. Living there rent free and creating tons of garbage, being a true threat to causing wildfires, behaving in a lawless manner angers too many of us who manage to pay for real housing. Move them out now.
ReplyWe all have problems in life why do they think it is ok to do what they are doing, when the rest of us pay our taxes, go to work, get counseling if we have problems. The amount they spend on drugs, they could pay rent. It’s a choice and their choice is to do drugs and not work. DEATH and TAXES!!!
ReplyThis homeless problem is a choice. These people are drug addicts that need to get clean and go back to work. They should be put into rehab while being counseled for their personal problems. Once clean they should be put to work doing tasks that prisoners do. If they refuse, then jail them.
ReplyThe Homeless Campers are the wrong people on the wrong landscape due to their lack of cognitive awareness of fire. I and many others are willing to share grace for their position in life when they are willing to improve their situation through counseling, accepting shelter to transition life.
ReplyYes and build more homeless shelters or provide jobs for them