Are you in favor of extending the use of parking spots for outdoor dining in downtown Bend?
Yes, it helps businesses!
No, we need more parking spots!
How about let's just open up the state and start living again. This question is just a distraction from the real issue.
Reply ReplyBend always needs more parking spots, but we don't waste our money on eating out so don't really care.
Reply ReplyBecause we need more parking and the tents do not enhance the look, openness and walk-ability of our downtown.
Reply ReplyIt was a much needed creative way to help businesses during the height of the pandemic during a time they could not seat inside. They do not need to take the VERY limited parking downtown now that they can seat inside!
Reply ReplyBecause those parking spots are necessary for downtown business. Without customers, there is no business and Bend is so spread out, cars are required. I know Bend wants to eliminate vehicles, but that is not at all logical or possible.
Reply ReplyIt's fine to extend it a bit due to the pandemic, but we're already short on downtown parking and it's nice to be able to walk on the sidewalk.
Reply Reply
Excellent idea , if you look at European cities that have restaurants with outdoor dining they bring a sense of community and freindlyness to the area , they have a way of allowing people to slow down take their time and have fun .
ReplyIt is too soon to cuddle up to strangers in a crowded restaurant or bar